2012-07-05 Pharmacy Meeting
2012-07-05 Pharmacy Meeting
Participants: Jeff Hung (Unlicensed), Yan Jin (Unlicensed), Nathan Leiby
Todo: Schedule a meeting to review Designs, after Jeff finishes reviewing/planning
- with John, Durga, Jeff, Yan, others
- Goal is to walk through the pharmacy UI designs and ask questions regarding functionality of given pages along with discussing architecture
- Proposed dates: Wednesday @ 930pm PST = Thursday @ 10am IST? Thursday @ 930pm PST = Friday @ 10am IST?
What to do first?
- "drug inventory table" (new tables) or "earlier screens" (existing tables, rest resources)
- suggest building "drug inventory table" first – supports new functionality like handling the stock
- suggest given earlier screens to other developers
Do the 5 drug tables have rest calls already?
- tbd
How many extra programmers/volunteers are able to help with pharmacy?
- who, how much time, what skills?
- Amarjeet? interns in office?
"must turn off raxacore before logout"!
- workaround is just to turn it off before openmrs logout
- if you don't turn it off, what happens?
- UPDATE: This bug has been solved by Karan Singh (Unlicensed) – thanks!