2012-05-08 Weekly Meeting
- UI/UX:
- Weekly UI / UX meeting this past week included Susan, Sathyan, John, Daniel
_Brandon is working on the common elements document and fleshing it out referring to the existing designs in the dropbox. - Interesting notes on responsive design: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/responsive-design-harnessing-power-of.html
- Update from Susan Wolfe, our UI/UX lead
_Designers would use footnotes in the designed screens the would describe the interections of screen elements to make it easier for the developers - UI / UX tools:
- http://graffletopia.com/search/sencha is a useful tool for designers who can quickly assemble the Sencha components both ExtJS and Touch2 to create low fidelity prototypes in OmniGraffle.
- Kitchen Sink (to get an idea of possible elements) http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/examples/production/kitchensink/
- Sencha Components (See "list of xtypes") http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2-0/#!/guide/components-section-5
- ExtJS (see list of xtypes): http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0/#!/api/Ext.Component
- Weekly UI / UX meeting this past week included Susan, Sathyan, John, Daniel
- Google Summer of Code:
- Piyush Madan - Registration, Outpatient Department & Laboratory Module; Mentor - Surajit Nundy.
- Martin - Lab Administration Pages; Mentor - Roger Friedman; Lab admin pages, it’s what drives the meta-data; it works on the OpenMRS side.
- Vikas Singh - User Interface for Outpatient Module; Mentor - Nathan Leiby
- Development:
- Developers meeting this past week included ten participants, including a few new contributors. We discussed tickets.
- Developers meeting this past week included ten participants, including a few new contributors. We discussed tickets.
- Other:
- Google calendar. Please join into any call you’d like throughout the week. As of now we have regular, weekly developers calls, UI / UX design call and a project-wide call (today). See the project calendar on the front page of the wiki (now definitely public): https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Raxa+JSS+EMR
- Saptarshi has put together three extremely helpful documents on the wiki: (1) ‘How to Commit Code’ (2) ‘Coding Standards’ and (3) Code Style Conventions for Java Script
- (1) https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Contributing+code+-+How+to+Commit+Code
- (2) https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Coding+Standards
- (3) https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Code+Style+Conventions+for+JavaScript
- Saptarshi has also put together a page about ‘Server Side Configuration’: https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Server-side+Configuration and also a page diagramming the sequence for the login screen:https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki//download/attachments/2555989/login_seq.png?version=2&modificationDate=1335896943014
- Great new link from John! https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Jasmine+Unit+Testing+in+Sencha+Touch
- A few awesome examples of work by Partners In Health saved in our DropBox account
- Please follow us on Twitter! @raxa_jss_emr
- Anthropological project in collaboration with CMU Professors(Human Computer Interaction Institute), Matthew Kam and Jennifer Mankoff, exploring the health information needs in the villages around JSS would begin by June 15. Sathyan and Niyati Gupta, IIT Guwahati would be working on the contextual inquiries in 3rd week on June. The project would see the design of interfaces enabling accessible information to the semi literate masses.
- Privacy and security discussions to be held to understand its implications designing the UI and UX of the various modules.
- Michael Tschantz, a postdoc at CMU-San Francisco (PhD in privacy at CMU) would lead the efforts.
- Anthropological project in collaboration with CMU Professors(Human Computer Interaction Institute), Matthew Kam and Jennifer Mankoff, exploring the health information needs in the villages around JSS would begin by June 15. Sathyan and Niyati Gupta, IIT Guwahati would be working on the contextual inquiries in 3rd week on June. The project would see the design of interfaces enabling accessible information to the semi literate masses.
- Lab:
- Back end: Updates from Roger Friedman, who is leading the development of the Lab module’s back-end.
- Front end: Update from Sathyan Velumani, our full time UI researcher-designer working on lab. These are the most recent designs:
- Pharmacy:
- Update from Dr Barry Levine on back end.
- Update on design. We expect that Sathyan or Astha will take this forward.
- Registration:
- Registration module code update from Nathan or Saptarshi (links?)
- Registration module code update from Nathan or Saptarshi (links?)
- Screener / Triage:
- Update from Nathan or Saptarshi on the progress with the code for the Screener / Triage module
- Update from Nathan or Saptarshi on the progress with the code for the Screener / Triage module
- Voice: Update from either Apurv Tiwari or Dr. Shuro Nundy
- OPD: Darrian and Hyeona and Darrian and Astha have a plan going forward for future designs of the OPD module.