2012-06-06 Patient Module Meeting

2012-06-06 Patient Module Meeting

Meeting notes from Patient's Module Meeting with CMU research group
7th June, 2012


Few key points discussed:
1) Use of Sencha Touch framework over Flash:  Keeping in mind the experience Raxa team has with Sencha, the decision was taken to use Sencha Touch as the exclusive prototyping tool.  Also, people at JSS (stakeholder include: doctors, nurses, staff, etc.) are already familiar with a design language based on Sencha Touch.  From the Carnegie Mellon University research group, Vishrut Patel (Unlicensed) and Ankita Mehta (Unlicensed) (each 3rd year undergraduate students from DA-IICT) will be working on the module using the Sencha Touch framework.  Raxa team will provide technical assistance with Sencha Touch.

2) Storyboarding: Niyati will be storyboarding some of the user tasks for next two weeks.  The storyboards will be circulated throughout the team.  We will be iterating the designs based on feedbacks from Raxa team, Matthew, and if possible some stakeholders (doctors/ JSS staff).  The key point to keep in mind would be to design a system that tightly integrated with current EMR system.

3) Field Study:  We agreed that some contextual inquiry is required to validate our motives for and benefits from the project. They are also important to validate our designs.  We are scheduled to do some 'Wizard of Oz' user studies and contextual interviews at JSS starting at the end of June.