2012-07-07 Patient Facing Module

2012-07-07 Patient Facing Module

ParticipantsAnkita Mehta (Unlicensed)Vishrut Patel (Unlicensed), Nathan Leiby


ankita and vishrut 

  • studying information and communication tech
  • interning at human development lab @ CMU
  • Aim to find out how an illiterate subject can use a text-free UI

what information they want user to have access to easily

  • next appointment
  • medicine schedule
  • general instructions provided by the doctor

patient population

  • either illiterate or cannot understand hindi
  • used images and voice-overs
  • can understand #s (prefer #s written in Hindi)
  • hindi calendar is ok


  • tested with some patients -> can understand what the calendar is about (can read weekdays in Hindi)
  • have one more week to test on field
  • running on an ipad

goals for next week

  • informal testing, waiting for IRB approval
  • once approval happens, can do more formal tests

sencha feedback

  • limited: few components, hard to make custom widgets (calendar)
  • graphic-intensive app, more difficulty to shape using sencha

Usability Feedback


  • read name and teshil out loud
  • is green "check" vs red "x" familiar to iliterate users as (approve and reject)? what if they're colorblind?
  • allow some kind of functionality where tapping says the name of what you tap, so if you make a mistake you'll know?
  • calendar? do they understand?


Code Feedback

Code is on GitHub here: https://github.com/vishrut/vishrut.github.com

Coding Standrads

remove commented code, such as


images should be resized properly to save on bandwidth transfer to device

pages that are nearly identical should be combined into one view, pass a value to parametrize

  • ExpandedAfternoon.js, ..Morning, ..Evening, ..Night


  • stores that are identical can be combined into one store type
  • can create .json files describing the data
  • can instantiate with different names

want to expand and contract - what component can solve this?

have you tried packaging the app natively for iphone, android, etc

back-end for Raxa // openmrs