2012-07-07 Patient Facing Module
2012-07-07 Patient Facing Module
Participants: Ankita Mehta (Unlicensed), Vishrut Patel (Unlicensed), Nathan Leiby
ankita and vishrut
- studying information and communication tech
- interning at human development lab @ CMU
- Aim to find out how an illiterate subject can use a text-free UI
what information they want user to have access to easily
- next appointment
- medicine schedule
- general instructions provided by the doctor
patient population
- either illiterate or cannot understand hindi
- used images and voice-overs
- can understand #s (prefer #s written in Hindi)
- hindi calendar is ok
- tested with some patients -> can understand what the calendar is about (can read weekdays in Hindi)
- have one more week to test on field
- running on an ipad
goals for next week
- informal testing, waiting for IRB approval
- once approval happens, can do more formal tests
sencha feedback
- limited: few components, hard to make custom widgets (calendar)
- graphic-intensive app, more difficulty to shape using sencha
Usability Feedback
- read name and teshil out loud
- is green "check" vs red "x" familiar to iliterate users as (approve and reject)? what if they're colorblind?
- allow some kind of functionality where tapping says the name of what you tap, so if you make a mistake you'll know?
- calendar? do they understand?
Code Feedback
Code is on GitHub here: https://github.com/vishrut/vishrut.github.com
Coding Standrads
- https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Coding+Standards
- https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Code+Style+Conventions+for+JavaScript
- jsbeautifier
- save your audiofiles in a object (e.g. enum and name them some CONSTANT_NAME that provides very short description)
remove commented code, such as
- images -> free?
- all images created by Ankita and Vishrut
- images of medicines are from JSS (took photographs from JSS)
- app -> FOSS Apache license for Raxa
- calendar? -> what license? can we use with Apache 2? https://github.com/vishrut/vishrut.github.com/blob/master/app/plugins/Ext.ux.TouchCalendar.js
- decided to remove touch calendar, so this is not a concern
- create own calendar plugin in sencha
images should be resized properly to save on bandwidth transfer to device
pages that are nearly identical should be combined into one view, pass a value to parametrize
- ExpandedAfternoon.js, ..Morning, ..Evening, ..Night
- stores that are identical can be combined into one store type
- can create .json files describing the data
- can instantiate with different names
want to expand and contract - what component can solve this?
- ExtJS "accordion" http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0/#!/api/Ext.layout.container.Accordion
have you tried packaging the app natively for iphone, android, etc
back-end for Raxa // openmrs
- Aim is to start work on tie-ing into back end in ~2 weeks
- Intro: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Introduction+to+OpenMRS
- DataModel: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Data+Model
- OpenMRS REST API - how we're talking to OpenMRS via Sencha