2012-05-23 Developer Meeting
2012-05-23 Developer Meeting
Please note that the Developer Meeting time has been updated to Wednesday at 7:30pm IST. (Raxa-JSS Meetings)
Participants: Saptarshi, John, Martin, Nathan, Shuro
- New Contributor and Intern introductions
- How is getting started going? Setup of dev environment? Other questions?
- Ideal intern ticket should be: small (<20 lines, for early tickets) and independent of other people's work
- Last Week's Progress
- Back-end updates
- Kara Jenkins (Unlicensed), Jianhua Wang (Unlicensed), Richard Gavin K Rumnong (Unlicensed), and Martin Losse (Unlicensed) have all been contributing some great code. Jianhua Wang (Unlicensed) is traveling in China at the moment, and Martin Losse (Unlicensed) had problems with his computer, but otherwise the amount of code committed is very impressive.
- Front-end updates.
- Status of Login, Registration, Screener, Pharmacy
- Planning for OPD, Lab
- Going forward - Planning sprints (First one to start next Wednesday, May 28th)
- TODO: Setup Greenhopper for next sprint
- TODO: Create a big backlog of tickets to be addressed in the sprint
- Back-end updates
- Last Week's Lessons Learned ... can we make process Improvements?
- Ongoing Design discussions
- Next Week's work items, Upcoming Design Discussions