2012-03-12 Weekly Meeting
( Notes from last week’s meeting:https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/2012-03-05+Weekly+Meeting )
JSS Specific
- Holi was celebrated this past week at JSS and we will have photos up on Twitter shortly.
- Dr. Satish Goel, a cardiologist in Florida who supports JSS, did a nearly two hour round of the wards at JSS via Facetime (iPad 2), twice. Tele-medicine consulting for patients' treatment plans.
Project Wide
- UI/UX: Multiple developments on this front.
- Free Sencha Designer 2 license was acquired for the Raxa JSS project by Dr. Barry Levine, professor of computer science at San Francisco State University.
- Common Elements spreadsheet is slowly getting filled out but we need people to take initiative on this.
- Kathleen Watson (Academy of Art in San Francisco), Jesse Jones and Brandon Tendeck are working together to put together a components/ style sheet. So far nothing from Kathleen but Jesse has said he has made progress on this and we hope to have it complete by next week.
- We now have over 300 followers on Twitter.. Please follow us! @Raxa_jss_emr
- New office space! We’ve very nearly closed on a small office space in south New Delhi, which will provide shelter for anyone who wants to come help work on the project – summer interns in particular! Estimate ~12 people who will be working there during the summer. Anyone who'd like to come is welcome to drop in. Interested in hosting a conference/meetup in the future, so that everyone can meet face-to-face.
- Seem to be firming up a list of at least five college and graduate student interns here for the summer. Please spread the word if you know of anyone who wants to be here. Internship posting is up on idealist.org
- Great new Getting Started Guide for the backend:https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Getting+Started+Guide%3A+Back-end+Development
- And a getting started guide for UI/UX work as well: https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5046289
- We are listed now on GWOB.org:http://gwob.org/2012/03/07/open-source-medical-platform/
- Completed our application for the Google Summer of Code:
- Welcome Kara Jenkins! Kara will work on back end development for the Lab module.
- Apurv Tiwari will join the team full time in April, forgoing a job at Yahoo! Welcome Apurv!
Module Specific
- Out Patient Department: Disappointingly, not much progress on this module. We are waiting for Sagun and Hemanshu to communicate their understanding of the module and chose a section of it to wireframe.
- Lab: John and Sathyan were sorting out their collaboration tools to work together to get the wireframes figured out for the Lab module. Roger will continue to help on back end. Roger has created tickets and we have nearly ten people signed up to work with him on that, including the newest addition to the project, Kara Jenkins (Vancouver, Canada).
Working on translating work done by Nancy. Sathyan collaborating with John in the upcoming week, working on front-end of Lab work. Kara is mostly set up for back-end of lab work. Roger is best resource for Lab questions, also Nathan.
- Pharmacy: Awaiting progress from Sures and Promila.
Waiting for next designs. Updates need to get put into DropBox. This week's task was building wireframes for all large components.
- Registration: Conference calls were held this past week, lead by Nathan, to tie together the Registration module. Notes are on the Registration modules Google group (open to the public).
Progress on unifying everyone's work. Incoming demo of progress so far.
- Screener / Triage: New Designs from Riddhima and Gio. Check out their progress in DropBox. This module is now more than halfway complete (although we need to update the User Stories). Next up we will need our UI/UX experts to start getting these wireframes labeled, and when that’s done they will be passed onto our CSS experts.
Fantastic progress from Gio, based in Miami / Italy. Has been able to respond quickly to feedback on wireframes from JSS. Thank you!