2012-06-05 UI UX Meeting
2012-06-05 UI UX Meeting
- Participants: Sathyan Velumani, astha dhawan (Unlicensed), DP, Susan J. Wolfe (Unlicensed), Nathan Leiby, Daniel Pepper (Unlicensed), sunil sonthalia (Unlicensed)
- Module Updates
- Lab (Sathyan)
- incorporated most feedback from 1st lab UI review
- finishing screens for lab order creation today
- preparing for lab UI conference call this evening IST
- OPD (Astha)
- new designs ready for feedback in 1-2 days
- Pharmacy (DP)
- received feedback from Sunil at JSS, had a discussion on Sunday evening
- new requirement: alerts when running out of stock
- when running out of a particular medicine and hitting safety stock
- want to present to all users
- recommends a general element for alerts – TODO: Add to shared components list
- 1 more version uploaded, then o
- Lab (Sathyan)
- New questions/issues
- Alerts in Pharmacy -> can they be shared UI component throughout pharmacy? what about in Lab, other areas?
- Sathyan Velumani is taking ownership of the Common Elements spreadsheet, to ensure it's up-to-date when we discuss such components
- Need to review designs with technical feasibility in mind
- Stencil based iterations are LATE stage, once we've standardized on particular style for each element
- Want to revisit the Registration Functional Spec and update requirements
- need to add support for taking patient photos
- other new needs?
- DP will likely lead creating the ExtJS designs for this module
- Want to get a list of TODO items for longer term UI/UX planning (Susan + Dan)
- Soon, turn these into 2-3d JIRA tickets
- More modules to plan...
- sunil sonthalia (Unlicensed) created 2 new user stories for Radiology and Billing
- version 2 of some modules, someday...
- Touch versions of Desktop-only, someday...
- Alerts in Pharmacy -> can they be shared UI component throughout pharmacy? what about in Lab, other areas?