2012-08-06 Weekly Meeting

2012-08-06 Weekly Meeting


Vikas Singh, Susan Wolfe, Martin Gielow, Roger Friedman, Shuro Nundy


  1. General project-wide updates:
    1. Event on the 31st
      1. Good response to the EMR, opportunity to get skinning closer to the goal look and feel
    2. Delhi office updates
      1. Planning visit to JSS nearly complete, updates when Jessica, Joy, Nathan and Sathyan Return
    3. JSS updates
      1. See above
  2. UI / UX updates:
    1. OPD - Thanks Susan for valuable comments.  Integrating those with Hyeona/Naveen's designs to be one of the focuses of Wednesday's UI/UX call.
  3. Development updates:
    1. Registration
      1. Skinning and functionality largely complete.
    2. Screener
      1. Skinning remains to be done.
    3. OPD
      1. Vikas working on Patient List, test.raxa.org misbehaving a bit for him now, plans to complete Patient Encounter by this week.
    4. Lab 
      • Installation
        • Branch created for maintaining compatibility with OpenMRS 1.8.x
        • Liquibase files updated: No longer need to disable foreign key constraints for sample data insertion, ensured compatibility with OpenMRS 1.8.x and 1.9.x
        • Lab module can now be installed by just adding the omod file to OpenMRS
      • Admin Pages
        • All admin pages are still being worked on
      • Unit Tests need to be written, especially for REST Resources
    5. Pharmacy module meeting this past Wednesday: 2012-08-01 Pharmacy Module Meeting
      1. IIITD folks making progress at backend resources for Pharmacy, will finish v1.0 by this month.
    6. In Patient
      1. Sathyan returning from JSS visit and will finalize Inpatient / OT designs
    7. Radiology
      1. Team working on backend, will need design input on fronted, to be discussed in UI/UX call on Wednesday
    8. Community Health Worker (CHW)
      1. Joy's has completed an overview document that describes in some detail the functioning and requirements of the CHW module: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uIWVYS8PBVF50_48k-FrO3VRoqsLK1Me42FrV60dF8k/edit?pli=1
      2. Frontend largely complete, modulo inputs from Joy's visit to JSS.
      3. Backend connection to be focused on now.
    9. Voice / IVR
      1. Update from Apurv on the wiki: Raxa-IVR Project
      2. Manav and Apurv with server with working dialog manager in office.
    10. Patient facing
      1. Vishrut, Ankita and Gajendra visited for 31 July event.  They will complete REST connections of module and also help plan/create a "dumb phone" connection.