2012-08-06 Weekly Meeting
2012-08-06 Weekly Meeting
Vikas Singh, Susan Wolfe, Martin Gielow, Roger Friedman, Shuro Nundy
- General project-wide updates:
- Event on the 31st
- Good response to the EMR, opportunity to get skinning closer to the goal look and feel
- Delhi office updates
- Planning visit to JSS nearly complete, updates when Jessica, Joy, Nathan and Sathyan Return
- JSS updates
- See above
- Event on the 31st
- UI / UX updates:
- OPD - Thanks Susan for valuable comments. Integrating those with Hyeona/Naveen's designs to be one of the focuses of Wednesday's UI/UX call.
- Development updates:
- Registration
- Skinning and functionality largely complete.
- Screener
- Skinning remains to be done.
- Vikas working on Patient List, test.raxa.org misbehaving a bit for him now, plans to complete Patient Encounter by this week.
- Lab
- Installation
- Branch created for maintaining compatibility with OpenMRS 1.8.x
- Liquibase files updated: No longer need to disable foreign key constraints for sample data insertion, ensured compatibility with OpenMRS 1.8.x and 1.9.x
- Lab module can now be installed by just adding the omod file to OpenMRS
- Admin Pages
- All admin pages are still being worked on
- Unit Tests need to be written, especially for REST Resources
- Installation
- Pharmacy module meeting this past Wednesday: 2012-08-01 Pharmacy Module Meeting
- IIITD folks making progress at backend resources for Pharmacy, will finish v1.0 by this month.
- In Patient
- Sathyan returning from JSS visit and will finalize Inpatient / OT designs
- Radiology
- Team working on backend, will need design input on fronted, to be discussed in UI/UX call on Wednesday
- Community Health Worker (CHW)
- Joy's has completed an overview document that describes in some detail the functioning and requirements of the CHW module: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uIWVYS8PBVF50_48k-FrO3VRoqsLK1Me42FrV60dF8k/edit?pli=1
- Frontend largely complete, modulo inputs from Joy's visit to JSS.
- Backend connection to be focused on now.
- Voice / IVR
- Update from Apurv on the wiki: Raxa-IVR Project
- Manav and Apurv with server with working dialog manager in office.
- Patient facing
- Vishrut, Ankita and Gajendra visited for 31 July event. They will complete REST connections of module and also help plan/create a "dumb phone" connection.
- Registration