2012-10-18 Patient Image meeting with Team NYU
2012-10-18 Patient Image meeting with Team NYU
Participants: Abhinav Mathur (Unlicensed), Kunal Modi (Unlicensed), Vivek, Nathan Leiby (Unlicensed)
== Getting Started Guides ==
recent guide: raxa.org/developerGettingStarted
old guide: https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Getting+Started+Guide
== REST ==
Try POSTing and GETting an observation
Anything to help get an overview of what items are sent/received in a REST call:
- https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/REST+Web+Service+Resources
- https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Webservices.rest+Module
Data Model
- https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Data+Model
make sure REST call returns JSON
- Content-Type : application/json;charset=UTF-8
- Background learning
- Try out Raxa's actual app, learn code structure
- Read more about OpenMRS, better understand what's sent / received in a REST call and how that relates to OpenMRS data-model
- Ajax Calls
- Save and retrieve observations.
- Associate with particular patient
- Can manage observations here http://test.raxa.org:8080/openmrs/admin/index.htm
- Build app
- on Android simulator, if easier to test taking a photo
- on real device
- Research sending files / images via REST, best practices
- what is best JSON structure
- what kinds of filetypes support
- how to compress, hydrate the image
- what other fields would be useful beyond image data
- Overall Goal
- Create an app that can
- search for an existing patient ID
- take a photo
- save that photo to the database for the associated patient
- REACH: view that photo in other modules
- suggest saving an encounter of encounter type "REGISTRATION_PHOTO" and creating an observation within that encounter. then we just have to lookup encounter type to see if a photo has been taken (e.g. to get lots of patient photos) or we can also look up the obs directly.
- Create an app that can