2012-08-29 OpenMRS Deployment

Participants: James Kariuki (AMPATH Kenya), Roger Friedman (Unlicensed), Surajit Nundy, Nathan Leiby (Unlicensed), John V Stoecker (Unlicensed)

General Questions

develpoers vs IT people
on site for awhile
did they go there and back
training process
fixing issues while live
changes to front end vs changes to database
upgrades / rollouts (1.8 -> 1.9 kind of changes)
IT people from kenya hostpital vs openmrs'ers
data backup
roles and permissions for different kinds of users


assigning patients identifiers
random #
not in database

How to reconcile multiple sites that aren't connected:
? 3-letter TAG for site (suffix or prefix on patient code)
-> this is how they initially solved it
What do you do if a patient moves from ATL to NYC? Then you give them a second "linked" code and both identify the patient
(preferred is current ID)

checkdigit usability

offline assignment

Q: Resolving duplicate IDs
Q: Accidental multiple IDs for same person (how to merge, join, link)

Consider Ids from "use case" perspective

How to sync records/data across multiple sites
-if each running its own computer and instance of OpenMRS
-how are the connected?

How do you provide stability on the openmrs server?
2 servers and 1 db? how to repair as fast as possibel?

What common maintainance required on openmrs server?

TODO: Be sure to look at connectivity capabilities, and the environment you're working in.
Q: Can we support cloud-based db?
Q: Report generation
-> Report generation slows down the system
-- overnight (or x time) take a copy of main db
-- production does transactions, reporting done on copy

Multiple Sites
1 main hospital
3+ subcenters
x community health workers

stats, analysis with OpenMRS
point-of-care vs recordkeeping

daily on-site
RAID for hardware back
how to manage across sites?
practice restoring

monitor database for corruption
automatic fallback? <-- how does this work?
-> Test this

((practice updating, too!!))

OpenMRS Wiki has examples of "typical installations"
XEON Processor
Server - desktop with high processor and high ram