2012-08-01 Pharmacy Module Meeting

2012-08-01 Pharmacy Module Meeting

Pharmacy Module Meeting with Barry Levine's team + IIITD Team

  • August 1, 2012
  • Attendees: Barry Levine, Diego Dayan, John Stoecker, Praneet Sharma, Abhishekh Gupta, Jatin Thapar


  • Finish drug_group
  • Create /raxadrug resource to POST new drug
  • Create drug_info table + resource to link drug to price (we will probably add in more data here later)
  • Begin thinking about long term project of Drug Interaction module after these tasks are completed
    • Drug Interaction will most likely use the ARDEN decision making syntax. So, doctors can add in their own rules, and we can also use pre-existing rules + database
    • Shuro + John + Barry will draw up plans for this module in the coming weeks


  • Discussing questions for direction of pharmacy module:
  1. What tables do we need to create? We need a Data Model.
    1. drug_inventory, drug_purchase_order, drug_group
  2. What methods should we implement for those tables?
    1. To be determined – for now, basic create/update/delete and getby functionality, such as getbyUuid or getBy<column name>
  3. Is there any business logic apart from the simple GET/POST functionality? E.g., a REST call for transferring from one stock center to another with a single call.
    1. Most logic will be implemented in front end (however, we do plan to add in decision support + logic for determining drug adverse interactions)
  4. Should be develop on top of the Raxa Core module or create our own?
    1. Raxacore
  5. Is there a list of the functionality they want to provide?
    1. --Diego will look into this and see if John has overlooked resources that are required.
  6. Why do we need a drug_group_link table? Is it many-to-many, will there be one drug that fits inside many groups?
    1. Yes, drug groups will be many to many, and we need a join table
  7. How to add drug into a drug_group?
    1. -Call /druggroup resource and update with drug
  8. We need to POST a new drug -- no functionality for this in OpenMRS yet
    1. -Can either call a new /raxadrug resource or extend /drug from webservices.REST
    2. We will create a new /raxadrug resource so as not to interfere with webservices.REST codebase
  9. We need to add price to drug
    1. Make new resource called drug info
  10. How to make code useable to people outside of Raxa?
    1. Try to make different OpenMRS modules (pharmacy, patientimage, radiology, etc), or split them up when we reach v1.0
  11. We need a small photo of the drug
    1. --can either make a new resource -- drug_image storing on file system vs. database
      ---what do other versions of OpenMRS do? John will email dev list.

    2. Pushing this off until after patientimage is complete and we are sure exactly what we need.
  12. Also discussed: ways of avoiding duplicate patients.
    1. Cell number + serial number of cell phone
    2. Name recognition + village + text fields that are similar
    3. Thumb print/voice recognition/biometrics