2012-08-01 Pharmacy Module Meeting
2012-08-01 Pharmacy Module Meeting
Pharmacy Module Meeting with Barry Levine's team + IIITD Team
- August 1, 2012
- Attendees: Barry Levine, Diego Dayan, John Stoecker, Praneet Sharma, Abhishekh Gupta, Jatin Thapar
- Finish drug_group
- Create /raxadrug resource to POST new drug
- Create drug_info table + resource to link drug to price (we will probably add in more data here later)
- Begin thinking about long term project of Drug Interaction module after these tasks are completed
- Drug Interaction will most likely use the ARDEN decision making syntax. So, doctors can add in their own rules, and we can also use pre-existing rules + database
- Shuro + John + Barry will draw up plans for this module in the coming weeks
- Discussing questions for direction of pharmacy module:
- What tables do we need to create? We need a Data Model.
- drug_inventory, drug_purchase_order, drug_group
- drug_inventory, drug_purchase_order, drug_group
- What methods should we implement for those tables?
- To be determined – for now, basic create/update/delete and getby functionality, such as getbyUuid or getBy<column name>
- Is there any business logic apart from the simple GET/POST functionality? E.g., a REST call for transferring from one stock center to another with a single call.
- Most logic will be implemented in front end (however, we do plan to add in decision support + logic for determining drug adverse interactions)
- Should be develop on top of the Raxa Core module or create our own?
- Raxacore
- Is there a list of the functionality they want to provide?
- --Diego will look into this and see if John has overlooked resources that are required.
- --Diego will look into this and see if John has overlooked resources that are required.
- Why do we need a drug_group_link table? Is it many-to-many, will there be one drug that fits inside many groups?
- Yes, drug groups will be many to many, and we need a join table
- Yes, drug groups will be many to many, and we need a join table
- How to add drug into a drug_group?
- -Call /druggroup resource and update with drug
- We need to POST a new drug -- no functionality for this in OpenMRS yet
- -Can either call a new /raxadrug resource or extend /drug from webservices.REST
- We will create a new /raxadrug resource so as not to interfere with webservices.REST codebase
- We need to add price to drug
- Make new resource called drug info
- How to make code useable to people outside of Raxa?
- Try to make different OpenMRS modules (pharmacy, patientimage, radiology, etc), or split them up when we reach v1.0
- We need a small photo of the drug
--can either make a new resource -- drug_image storing on file system vs. database
---what do other versions of OpenMRS do? John will email dev list.- Pushing this off until after patientimage is complete and we are sure exactly what we need.
- Also discussed: ways of avoiding duplicate patients.
- Cell number + serial number of cell phone
- Name recognition + village + text fields that are similar
- Thumb print/voice recognition/biometrics