2012-07-16 Weekly Meeting
2012-07-16 Weekly Meeting
PARTICIPANTS: Susan, Jessica, Shuro, Roger, Daniel, Roger, Sathyan, John, Barry, Phoram, Jessica, Nathan, Alok, Ankita, Durgaprasad, Joy, Leif, Vikas SIngh.
- General project updates
- We're in the news! Check out http://www.openhealthnews.com/articles/2012/raxa-open-source-emr-software-rural-healthcare-systems
- Raxa is on 6 continents! Help us map our contributors: - TODO-58Getting issue details... STATUS
- The first meeting of the team working on privacy issues will take place this Wednesday (time TBD)
- Raxa.org volunteers Rocky and Mitul have been working over the weekend on updating the site.
- UI / UX updates:
- New work from Yasmine on the Registration module:https://www.dropbox.com/s/kyy6y8oopnkcrmd/July%2012%20ODP%20New%20Patient%20Registration%20-%20Web.pdf
- Updates from Hyeona and Yasmine on visual style.
- Update from Hyeona on the Screener / Triage module: https://www.dropbox.com/s/skx4wbiwxo57o70/0715_%20JSS_screener_designguide_v2.pdf
- Don't forget: All designers must include (1) cover on their designs with updates about what changed from previous version (2) notes / annotations on how interactions flow from screen to screen.
- Updates from Susan J. Wolfe
- New designs on Registration and Pharmacy from DP
- Updates from Sathyan Velumani on the In Patient Module -
- Working on a document to for the IPD (with Doctor forms and orders)
- Call with Sandeep and Santhosh (in Bangalore) last Thursday;
- A couple of screens of IPD will be the starting point.
- Updates from astha dhawan (Unlicensed) & Naveen on OPD module - closing open design issues
- DP: Pretty much done with the Pharmacy module.
- Design process: Possible tool for iterative design reviews called Notable (http://www.notableapp.com/). Maybe we can request a free version for non-profit work?
- Modules
- General development update from John V Stoecker and/or Nathan.
- John V Stoecker (Unlicensed) edited the Building the Raxacore Module and Adding it to OpenMRS page, as well as the Server-side Configuration page.
- Two interns completed Raxa Summor of Code last week: Astha and Vishnu
- Three interns will complete RSoC this week: Piyush Dane, Tushar Bansal (Unlicensed), and Shivam Shah (Unlicensed)
- GSoC Students Martin Losse (Unlicensed), Piyush Madan (Unlicensed), and vikas singh (Unlicensed) have made it to the midpoint of their summer. Great job so far!
- We will soon have ability for any developers to easily demo the current state of their code via GitHub pages.
RAXAJSS-88Getting issue details...
- Example: http://nathanleiby.github.com/Raxa-JSS/ (other developers will similarly have a "demo" at http://<user>.github.com/Raxa-JSS
- This allows us to easily see each developer's individual improvements, visually, before moving them into the main Raxa repo.
- We can also continue to improve this console/main page with other useful links and info for developers
- Patient facing module:
- Improvements to usability, such as adding Hindi numbers, changing the calendar view, adding Hindi vocals (which repeat on loop)
- Exploring possibility of extending this work into a long-term school project
- Working on final report
- General development update from John V Stoecker and/or Nathan.
- Pharmacy
- Amarjeet's team has started on building 2 tables for the back end
- Barry Levine's team is finalizing design and starting one starter table
- Back end work continues on Alert/messaging system
- John V Stoecker (Unlicensed): Looking at the design and determining the fields based on the design this week. One or two tables starting this week.
- Barry Levine (Unlicensed): There are several other efforts to bring pharmacy modules into OpenMRS.
- Lab module update
- Updates by Piyush Madan (Unlicensed) include those to:
- Updates by John V Stoecker (Unlicensed) include hose to:
- Updates by Martin Losse (Unlicensed): Lab Module Back-end
- Good progress, improved since the first page almost finished and much of the initial problems resolved.
- Planning to finish the second of the admin pages by the end of the week.
- Instruments and Supplies page is now nearly complete, Settings page is well under way
- REST API mostly working, needs tests to be written
- CHW:
- Utilizing location and addition of a map.
- Next steps towards making the application more friendly to low-literacy users. Can use tips from the patient-facing module developers.
- Notification system between the CHW and the Village coordinator.
- Ported the application to Android using PhoneGap - completed by Alok.
- Registration
- New wireframes should be complete this week from DP's side.
- Nathan: We can assign someone to this. Perhaps Jamie.
- Screener
- Completing doctor summary, remove patient, ironing out a bug in assign patient
- Optimizing code.
- vikas singh (Unlicensed) working on "Examination" Screen.
- Developer+Designer meeting with astha dhawan (Unlicensed), vikas singh (Unlicensed), and Nathan to discuss usability/code-ability questions.
- Once OPD's "Examination" UI is complete, 2nd half of GSoC Summer is focused on adding back-end OpenMRS rest calls for OPD, and finishing cleanup UI tickets.
- IVR / Voice
- Shuro: Apurv and Manav have connected it and are coming into the office today.
- Slight problem is that one part of the project is written in Windows and need to convert to Linux, but we have help with it.
- Radiology
- John V Stoecker (Unlicensed) edited the Design Draft 1 page
- We are working with Juan David Pastas (Unlicensed) who is opening up backend resources for that module.
- Planning stages for determining how best to store radiology images.
- Leif DeJong (Unlicensed) is exploring the Radiology module and has got it pretty clear now. Still a little bit confused.
- Pharmacy