2012-07-16 Weekly Meeting

2012-07-16 Weekly Meeting

PARTICIPANTS:   Susan, Jessica, Shuro, Roger, Daniel,  Roger, Sathyan, John, Barry, Phoram, Jessica, Nathan, Alok, Ankita, Durgaprasad, Joy, Leif, Vikas SIngh.

  1. General project updates
    1. We're in the news!  Check out http://www.openhealthnews.com/articles/2012/raxa-open-source-emr-software-rural-healthcare-systems
    2. Raxa is on 6 continents!  Help us map our contributors:  TODO-58 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    3. The first meeting of the team working on privacy issues will take place this Wednesday (time TBD)
    4. Raxa.org volunteers Rocky and Mitul have been working over the weekend on updating the site.

  2. UI / UX updates:
    1. New work from Yasmine on the Registration module:https://www.dropbox.com/s/kyy6y8oopnkcrmd/July%2012%20ODP%20New%20Patient%20Registration%20-%20Web.pdf
    2. Updates from Hyeona and Yasmine on visual style.
    3. Update from Hyeona on the Screener / Triage module: https://www.dropbox.com/s/skx4wbiwxo57o70/0715_%20JSS_screener_designguide_v2.pdf
    4. Don't forget: All designers must include (1) cover on their designs with updates about what changed from previous version (2) notes / annotations on how interactions flow from screen to screen.
    5. Updates from Susan J. Wolfe
    6. New designs on Registration and Pharmacy from DP
    7. Updates from Sathyan Velumani on the In Patient Module -
      1. Working on a document to for the IPD (with Doctor forms and orders)
      2. Call with Sandeep and Santhosh (in Bangalore) last Thursday;
      3. A couple of screens of IPD will be the starting point.
    8. Updates from astha dhawan (Unlicensed) & Naveen on OPD module - closing open design issues
    9. DP: Pretty much done with the Pharmacy module.
    10. Design process: Possible tool for iterative design reviews called Notable (http://www.notableapp.com/). Maybe we can request a free version for non-profit work?

  3. Modules
    1. General development update from John V Stoecker and/or Nathan.
      1. John V Stoecker (Unlicensed) edited the Building the Raxacore Module and Adding it to OpenMRS page, as well as the Server-side Configuration page.
      2. Two interns completed Raxa Summor of Code last week: Astha and Vishnu
      3. Three interns will complete RSoC this week: Piyush Dane, Tushar Bansal (Unlicensed), and Shivam Shah (Unlicensed)
      4. GSoC Students Martin Losse (Unlicensed)Piyush Madan (Unlicensed), and vikas singh (Unlicensed) have made it to the midpoint of their summer. Great job so far!
      5. We will soon have ability for any developers to easily demo the current state of their code via GitHub pages.  RAXAJSS-88 - Getting issue details... STATUS
        1. Example: http://nathanleiby.github.com/Raxa-JSS/ (other developers will similarly have a "demo" at http://<user>.github.com/Raxa-JSS
        2. This allows us to easily see each developer's individual improvements, visually, before moving them into the main Raxa repo. 
        3. We can also continue to improve this console/main page with other useful links and info for developers
    2. Patient facing module:  
      1. Improvements to usability, such as adding Hindi numbers, changing the calendar view, adding Hindi vocals (which repeat on loop)
      2. Exploring possibility of extending this work into a long-term school project
      3. Working on final report
    1. Pharmacy
      1. Amarjeet's team has started on building 2 tables for the back end
      2. Barry Levine's team is finalizing design and starting one starter table
      3. Back end work continues on Alert/messaging system
      4. John V Stoecker (Unlicensed):  Looking at the design and determining the fields based on the design this week.  One or two tables starting this week.
      5. Barry Levine (Unlicensed):  There are several other efforts to bring pharmacy modules into OpenMRS.

    2. Lab module update
      1. Updates by Piyush Madan (Unlicensed) include those to:
        1. Getting Started - Lab Module Back-end Development
        2. List of resources available in jsslab module
      2. Updates by John V Stoecker (Unlicensed) include hose to:
        1. Getting Started - Lab Module Back-end Development
      3. Updates by Martin Losse (Unlicensed): Lab Module Back-end
        1. Good progress, improved since the first page almost finished and much of the initial problems resolved.
        2. Planning to finish the second of the admin pages by the end of the week.
        3. Instruments and Supplies page is now nearly complete, Settings page is well under way
        4. REST API mostly working, needs tests to be written
    3. CHW:
      1. Utilizing location and addition of a map.
      2. Next steps towards making the application more friendly to low-literacy users. Can use tips from the patient-facing module developers.
      3. Notification system between the CHW and the Village coordinator.
      4. Ported the application to Android using PhoneGap - completed by Alok.

    4. Registration
      1. New wireframes should be complete this week from DP's side. 
      2. Nathan: We can assign someone to this.  Perhaps Jamie.

    5. Screener
      1. Completing doctor summary, remove patient, ironing out a bug in assign patient
      2. Optimizing code.

    6. OPD
      1. vikas singh (Unlicensed) working on "Examination" Screen. 
      2. Developer+Designer meeting with astha dhawan (Unlicensed), vikas singh (Unlicensed), and Nathan to discuss usability/code-ability questions.
      3. Once OPD's "Examination" UI is complete, 2nd half of GSoC Summer is focused on adding back-end OpenMRS rest calls for OPD, and finishing cleanup UI tickets.

    7. IVR / Voice
      1. Shuro: Apurv and Manav have connected it and are coming into the office today.
      2. Slight problem is that one part of the project is written in Windows and need to convert to Linux, but we have help with it.

    8. Radiology
      1. John V Stoecker (Unlicensed) edited the Design Draft 1 page
      2. We are working with Juan David Pastas (Unlicensed) who is opening up backend resources for that module.
      3. Planning stages for determining how best to store radiology images.
      4. Leif DeJong (Unlicensed) is exploring the Radiology module and has got it pretty clear now.  Still a little bit confused.