2012-07-30 Weekly Meeting

PARTICIPANTS:   Shuro, Sharayu, Daniel, Sathyan, Martin, Barry, Vikas Singh.


  1. General updates
    1. Raxa Event tomorrow in Delhi with a public demo of the EMR. Please share the facebook invite: http://www.facebook.com/events/141043769367646/
    2. Next Privacy Meeting on Wednesday
    3. Thanks to Alok, Tarang, and Joy, who completed the last week of their internship! 
  2. UI / UX updates
    1. UI / UX call this past Wednesday, with Hyeona, Daniel, Shuro, Jessica, Nathan, John, Durgaprasad, Sharayu, Sathyan. Notes are posted here: 2012-07-25 UI UX Meeting
      1. Request for better direction on design documents how Users move from screen to screen
      2. Decision that pixel-perfect designs for each screen are not necessary
    2. Screener designs mostly complete: https://www.dropbox.com/s/07nt08vm8uaivy9/120725_JSS_Screener_styleguide.pdf
    3. Registration
    4. Pharmacy - update to roadmap for students; address issues/questions in student task list
    5. Out Patient
    6. In Patient - 1. have cleaned up the .graffle file for IPD for OPD 2. Making a stencil for IPD 
      3. Need to split the IPD like Lab module and will work the screens
    7. CHW
      1. Successful call with Dr. Sharayu/Profulji at JSS
        1. Will work with received materials and feedback
        2. Preparing goals for visit this week
      2. Coding
        1. Finishing up basic functionality for four core goals
        2. Preparing documentation on what has been done/vision for the future
    8. Laboratory
      1. Piyush Madan
        1. Basic Paper Entry work done
        2. Working on Lab order creation
        3. Created google doc with list of resources needed for different views of various sub-modules of lab: http://goo.gl/NyyXD
      2. Martin Gielow
        1. working on a ticket for the REST module
        2. Settings page not yet complete - still need additional REST functionality / bug fixes
        3. started implementing Catalog page
        4. minor corrections in Lab module db tables and REST resources
  3. Development updates
    1. Radiology
      1. Coding a basic UI to push it here.