2012-07-30 Weekly Meeting
2012-07-30 Weekly Meeting
PARTICIPANTS: Shuro, Sharayu, Daniel, Sathyan, Martin, Barry, Vikas Singh.
- General updates
- Raxa Event tomorrow in Delhi with a public demo of the EMR. Please share the facebook invite: http://www.facebook.com/events/141043769367646/
- Next Privacy Meeting on Wednesday
- Thanks to Alok, Tarang, and Joy, who completed the last week of their internship!
- UI / UX updates
- UI / UX call this past Wednesday, with Hyeona, Daniel, Shuro, Jessica, Nathan, John, Durgaprasad, Sharayu, Sathyan. Notes are posted here: 2012-07-25 UI UX Meeting
- Request for better direction on design documents how Users move from screen to screen
- Decision that pixel-perfect designs for each screen are not necessary
- Screener designs mostly complete: https://www.dropbox.com/s/07nt08vm8uaivy9/120725_JSS_Screener_styleguide.pdf
- Registration
- Pharmacy - update to roadmap for students; address issues/questions in student task list
- Out Patient
- In Patient - 1. have cleaned up the .graffle file for IPD for OPD 2. Making a stencil for IPD
3. Need to split the IPD like Lab module and will work the screens - CHW
- Successful call with Dr. Sharayu/Profulji at JSS
- Will work with received materials and feedback
- Preparing goals for visit this week
- Coding
- Finishing up basic functionality for four core goals
- Preparing documentation on what has been done/vision for the future
- Successful call with Dr. Sharayu/Profulji at JSS
- Laboratory
- Piyush Madan
- Basic Paper Entry work done
- Working on Lab order creation
- Created google doc with list of resources needed for different views of various sub-modules of lab: http://goo.gl/NyyXD
- Martin Gielow
- working on a ticket for the REST module
- Settings page not yet complete - still need additional REST functionality / bug fixes
- started implementing Catalog page
- minor corrections in Lab module db tables and REST resources
- Piyush Madan
- UI / UX call this past Wednesday, with Hyeona, Daniel, Shuro, Jessica, Nathan, John, Durgaprasad, Sharayu, Sathyan. Notes are posted here: 2012-07-25 UI UX Meeting
- Development updates
- Radiology
- Coding a basic UI to push it here.
- Radiology