2012-07-25 UI UX Meeting
2012-07-25 UI UX Meeting
PARTICIPANTS: Shuro, Nathan, John, Jessica, Sathyan, Sharayu, Daniel, Susan, Hyeona, Durgaprasad.
- General UI / UX Issues - Susan J. Wolfe (Unlicensed)
- Consistency, common elements, correct documentation and tools, feedback.
- More emphasis on design notes about how users move from screen to screen
- Screener - Hyeona
- Would like to be in touch with developers about their inputs / feedback on designs
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/07nt08vm8uaivy9/120725_JSS_Screener_styleguide.pdf
- Is nearly complete with these designs
- Registration, Pharmacy and Inventory modules - Durgaprasad
- Has incorporated feedback from Susan
- Would like feedback from Sharayu and users at JSS
- Would like to be in touch with Hyeona about moving forward with high-fidelity designs
- In Patient and Radiology Modules - Sathyan
- Link to the IPD documentation - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G6YtEwARH1chfZuZ8sGmuVyuRigm9kVRzervLVH-Tis/edit adding the task flows and other diagrams to it(including the map of the floor plan)
- Out Patient
- Susan will review designs and revert to Sathyan & Hyeona in next two days
- Sathyan will work with Sharayu to get feedback from doctors at JSS
- Completion of designs as soon as possible; completion of coding by the end of August.
- Patient-Facing - consider how it connects to system at large
- Lab - any pending issues?
- CHW - any pending issues?
- Style
- John V Stoecker (Unlicensed) working on translating Hyeona's style guide for Screener into actual code/CSS
- High fidelity / pixel-perfect designs – don't need them for every module. Can make one iconic one for two modules (e..g registration (ExtJS) and screener (Touch)) which can be basis for other modules.
- Still need to document the common elements/components. That will be the best way to have them behave and look the same across all the software.