2012-07-25 UI UX Meeting

2012-07-25 UI UX Meeting

PARTICIPANTS: Shuro, Nathan, John, Jessica, Sathyan, Sharayu, Daniel, Susan, Hyeona, Durgaprasad. 


  1. General UI / UX Issues - Susan J. Wolfe (Unlicensed)
    1. Consistency, common elements, correct documentation and tools, feedback.
    2. More emphasis on design notes about how users move from screen to screen  
  2. Screener - Hyeona
    1. Would like to be in touch with developers about their inputs / feedback on designs
    2. https://www.dropbox.com/s/07nt08vm8uaivy9/120725_JSS_Screener_styleguide.pdf
    3. Is nearly complete with these designs
  3. Registration, Pharmacy and Inventory modules - Durgaprasad
    1. Has incorporated feedback from Susan
    2. Would like feedback from Sharayu and users at JSS
    3. Would like to be in touch with Hyeona about moving forward with high-fidelity designs
  4. In Patient and Radiology Modules - Sathyan
    1. Link to the IPD documentation - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G6YtEwARH1chfZuZ8sGmuVyuRigm9kVRzervLVH-Tis/edit adding the task flows and other diagrams to it(including the map of the floor plan)
  5. Out Patient
    1. Susan will review designs and revert to Sathyan & Hyeona in next two days
    2. Sathyan will work with Sharayu to get feedback from doctors at JSS
    3. Completion of designs as soon as possible; completion of coding by the end of August. 
  6. Patient-Facing - consider how it connects to system at large
    1. Demo: http://patient-facing.github.com
  7. Lab - any pending issues?
  8. CHW - any pending issues? 
    1. Demo: http://alok-sharma.github.com/Raxa-JSS
  9. Style
    1. John V Stoecker (Unlicensed) working on translating Hyeona's style guide for Screener into actual code/CSS 
    2. High fidelity / pixel-perfect designs – don't need them for every module. Can make one iconic one for two modules (e..g registration (ExtJS) and screener (Touch)) which can be basis for other modules. 
      1. Still need to document the common elements/components. That will be the best way to have them behave and look the same across all the software.