2012-7-20 Pharmacy Module Meeting

2012-7-20 Pharmacy Module Meeting

Participants: Barry, Daniel, John, Diego, Yan, Praneet, Abhishekh


  1. Update from Barry's team
    1. Finishing up Drug Group table / REST resource
  2. Concern about robustness of Order call of OpenMRS:
    1. Front end module has been using GET/POST of Orders in OpenMRS here: demo.raxa.org/pharmacy and demo.raxa.org/screener with no problems
    2. We will continue to use Order/Encounter as they exist already with no bugs found as yet
  3. Update from IIT team working on Drug PO and Drug Inventory
    1. Upgrading OpenMRS from 1.8.X to 1.9.0
  4. Plan for next week:
    1. Finish Drug Group
    2. Complete a list of 4-5 tables/resources to get started on