2012-05-28 Weekly Meeting

Attendees: Durga, Sunil, Roger, Susan, Sathyan, John, Nathan, Shuro, Joy, Piyush Madan, Karan
  1. General project updates
    1. John V Stoecker (Unlicensed) has created a fantastic new page on the wiki for the Community Health Worker Module: Community Health Worker Module, detailing its justification, architecture and goals.  Please view this and add to it!
    2. John V Stoecker (Unlicensed) has also made updates to the coding standards document on the wiki: Coding Standards
    3. John V Stoecker (Unlicensed) also created a page Using Stores, Communicating with the Back End, a child page of Jasmine Unit Testing in Sencha Touch.
    4. Developer meeting this past week was attended by John V Stoecker (Unlicensed), Saptarshi Purkayastha (Unlicensed), Surajit Nundy, Martin Losse (Unlicensed) and Nathan Leiby.
      1. Notes are located here: 2012-05-23 Developer Meeting
      2. Discussed tickets, lab back end progress and code sprint for next week.
    5. Martin Losse (Unlicensed) prepared a great overview spreadsheet for different conferencing tools:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmxLCenadkgVdEQzY3FDTWpPR25Tc0lGTzZvcmpxRVE#gid=0
    6. Piyush Madan (Unlicensed) created a new child page in the Getting Started section of the wiki for our IRC chat: Raxa on IRC (#raxa).
    7. Our WWW site, www.raxa.org, is up now, please edit contribute and become part of the online community.  We are trying to get a single sign-on with our JIRA working.
    8. New interns joined us last week: Joy Ming, Piyush Dane, Shivam Shah, Karan
  2. JSS Update (Sunil)
    1. getting feedback on OPD screens from JR and SR doctors
    2. working on examination data points (general... next abdominal investigation). Junior doctors quite busy, tough to get their feedback. in 1-2 days hope to complete the data points
    3. also leading a computer training course, 3 days a week

  3. UI / UX updates
    1. OPD screens for UI/UX are looking very goodLab screens aiming for major v1 design review in a few days.
    2. Lab Design Review
      1. 7:30 - 8:30am Pacific time, 10:30 - 11:30 am Eastern time, 8pm-9pm IST on Wednesday May 30th
      2. 5-10 minutes for each screen, a bit of time for general feedback
      3. Use Join.me to do a screenshare of the lab pages
    3. Pharmacy
      1. Peepal design and D.P. are leading this effort 
      2. Wireframes will be done today
      3. Blocking: Lack of Macs, so working with Omnigraffle is one difficulty (What tech are they using instead? recurring issue of aligning our designer's tech)
    4. Suggestion: that we have a formal review of OPD screens, Pharmacy, etc, in the future

  4. Developer updates (generally and module-specific)
    1. GoSC-specific updated from our three GSoC interns:
      1. Piyush Madan (Unlicensed)
        1. Page:  https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Front+end+development+%3A+GSoC+2012: 
      2. vikas singh (Unlicensed):
        1. Page:  https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/User+Interface+for+Outpatient+Module+%3A+GSOC+2012 
      3. Martin Losse (Unlicensed):
        1. Page: https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Lab+Administration+Pages
        2. Blog:  http://summon-gsoc.blogspot.de/
      4. A few guidelines for our GSoC interns (these apply to RSoC interns as well):
        1. Have regular (at minimum, weekly) meetings/discussions with your mentor via voice and/or chat. 
        2. Ensure you are tracking your work through one or more JIRA tickets.
        3. When you have a question or topic relevant to software development, and it may help others to know the answer, include the "Developers" list (raxa-jss-emr-developers@googlegroups.com). Copy-paste error messages and code directly (or via http://pastebin.com/).
        4. When you have a question or topic relevant to our entire community (includes UI/UX, doctors, etc), include the "Contributors" list (raxa-jss-emr-contributors@googlegroups.com)
        5. CC  Nathan (nathanleiby@gmail.com) on your GSoC project related emails, so we can understand progress better.
    2. Per-module Check-in
      1. Registration
      2. Screener
      3. Lab
        1. DataModel presentation is on the dropbox
        2. Design discussion upcoming
        3. Martin works on Lab Admin module
        4. Jianhua will be working on Reporting module soon
      4. OPD
      5. Pharmacy
      6. Billing
      7. CHW
      8. Voice/Speech
        1. would like to get them to attend our weekly call when possible
        2. Manav is starting a blog; which will help share their work with wider Raxa community
        3. suggest we move all blogs to our raxa.org website (gsoc, too)

    3. Hackathon
      1. Next 2 days, a way to get new interns to understand ExtJS / Sencha as a whole, before diving into a bigger project
    4. Code Sprint
      1. 3wks ... May 30 to June 20
      2. Goals and ticket backlog TBA... need to break tickets up into smaller pieces