Jasmine Unit Testing in Sencha Touch
Jasmine Unit Testing in Sencha Touch
To test a Sencha Touch module in Jasmine, either add your tests to an existing spec.js file, or see how to make tests for a new module: Creating Unit Tests for a New Module
In your jasmine specs.js file, create container with all the views you want to test:
Jasmine specs file for Sencha Touch
describe("Session", function () { var mainController = null; beforeEach(function () { if (!mainController) { mainController = testApp.getController('Session'); } //creating blank main view for testing Ext.create('Ext.Container', { id: 'mainView', fullscreen: true, layout: 'card', items: [{ xclass: 'RaxaEmr.view.Login' }, { xclass: 'RaxaEmr.view.Dashboard' }] }); }); it("adds modules to the dashboard at login", function () { mainController.doLogin(); expect(Ext.getCmp('modulesPanel')).toBeDefined(); }); });
Now you should be able to use Ext.getCmp() on whatever component you need to test.