2011-11-05 Outpatient Module Meeting

2011-11-05 Outpatient Module Meeting

Meeting notes from OPD Meeting
5th November, 2011

  1. Surajit Nundy
  2. Daniel Pepper
  3. Chris Stone
  4. Ajay Divakaran
  5. Vinay Venu
  6. Lucy
  7. Hariharan
  8. Sreerajan
  9. Sharath Hangal
  10. Roger Friedman
  1.  Technical areas to be covered
  2. OpenMRS download, setup dev environment, checkin/checkout
  3. Major Functional flows in OPD
  4. Formation of teams for each functional flow area
  5. Clarifications / Interaction and related Mechanisms
  6. User story, UI designers, DB Discussions etc
Technical areas to be covered
  1. OpenMRS set up is not a precondition to start development 
    1. http://raxaemr.jelastic.servint.net/openmrs is a good OpenMRS 1.8.2 instance: admin/Hello123
  2. Look at the architecture document 
    1. Application Architecture Document
  3. Advantages - same server to build for all, no hassles of local set up 
Checkin Checkout - No Jira instance required outside of OpenMRS. 
Issues - Harder to commit changes. - https://github.com/Raxa/Raxa-JSS/
Work on the mode whether we use the central OpenMRS or have one here.. Vinay to come back on this 
REST API module Documentation https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/REST+Module
OPD flows
  • Screener
  • Anteroom
    • Nurse takes vitals, prepares patient to meet doctor, sends patient to doctor
  • Doctor - orders stuff - admissions, investigation, medication
  • Patient comes back to visit doctor
  • Doctor prescribes medication/orders a consultation
There are templates that would need to be used for tb, diabetes, rheumatic arthritis (6 of them). 
Sharath - OPD team to meet on Wednesday to create user stories, form teams etc. 
Fix a time on 9-Nov-2011 evening.