GSoC 2014 Ideas Page

GSoC 2014 Ideas Page

Possible Projects for Google Summer of Code 2014:                                                 Like us on Facebook

Below is a list of possible projects for GSoC 2014. At Raxa, we are not limited to the ideas below. If you have a great idea for mobile health not on this list, let us know!

Project: Doctors Near Me

Brief Explanation: Build a webapp that allows patients to easily search for doctors based on location, price, and rating.

Used Technologies: Sencha, JavaScript, mySQL, HTML, CSS

Primary Mentor: Amrit Singh Bains

Secondary Mentor: Senthilnathan Shanmugam.


Familiarize yourself with Sencha Touch, as well as the OpenMRS REST API

Create a webapp service that handles searching, sorting and filtering efficiently.

Document your module so that we can maintain it.

Getting Started:

Build a Hello World app using Sencha

Install OpenMRS on your system: http://openmrs.org/download/

Add on the OpenMRS REST module: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/REST+Module

GET location data or provider data through the OpenMRS REST API

Show this data on a map

Project: No More Papers, Please!: Front End for OpenMRS Form Builder

Brief Explanation: Shifting hospitals from paper-based records to electronic records is difficult for providers who are used to specific forms. OpenMRS provides an extensible way to create dynamic forms, however at Raxa we want these forms to be available over REST, and tied to different doctors. Doctor A will have her own required forms, but if Doctor B has a great way of intaking patients, A should be able to see those too. Build a mobile module that allows phone/tablet users to create forms and concepts for OpenMRS, and see forms others have created.

Used Technologies: Sencha Touch, JavaScript, OpenMRS, HTML, CSS

Primary Mentor: John Stoecker

Secondary Mentor: Senthilnathan Shanmugam


Familiarize yourself with Sencha Touch, as well as the OpenMRS REST API

Build a Sencha Touch webapp that can build forms that allow text, numeric, and checkbox inputs

Allow users to link up forms with different concepts

If a concept for a certain disease doesn't exist in OpenMRS, allow users to create those concepts

Allow user to POST the new forms to OpenMRS

Document your module so that we can maintain it.

Getting Started:

Install OpenMRS on your system: http://openmrs.org/download/

Create sample forms using the Administration -> Manage Forms tool.

Add on the OpenMRS REST module: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/REST+Module

GET the forms over REST, and build those forms on the front end.

Project: Voice/SMS Server for Patient Follow Ups

Brief Explanation: In India, communication between the doctor and patient is difficult after a visit. Information required for continuing care is difficult to retrieve, including information on medication taken, blood tests done, blood sugar levels, and other lab tests. Expand the current Asterisk voice server to include follow ups.

Used Technologies: Asterisk, Java, OpenMRS

Primary Mentor: John Stoecker

Secondary Mentor:

Suggested Reading:



Familiarize yourself with Asterisk and the OpenMRS REST API

Allow the voice server to take form inputs for a specific follow up action, such as: "What is your blood sugar level? Enter using keypad now:"

Communicate these followups through SMS and voice depending on user preference

Send the results back to OpenMRS through REST

Put server into production

Getting Started:

Install the voice server using the above GitHub repo

Make any minor changes such as changes to the menu etc.

Project: Hashtag Editor for Medical Data

Brief Explanation: Doctors hate using EMRs. The pain of entering in data through forms is cumbersome – in the age of Google, such structured entry should be a last resort. Design and create a notepad like webapp, where keywords are signalled using the '#' symbol. The keyword allows autocomplete on drug names, diagnoses names, and lab investigation titles.

Used Technologies: Sencha Touch, JavaScript, OpenMRS, Natural Language Processing, cTAKES

Primary Mentor: Senthilnathan Shanmugam

Secondary Mentor: John Stoecker

Suggested Reading:



Familiarize yourself with Sencha Touch and the OpenMRS REST API

Create a canvas that allows text entry, and shows autocomplete options after hashtags.

If an autocomplete suggestion is selected, natural language processing should extract value data afterwards such as #Blood Pressure 25 or #Paracetamol 500mg q.d.s. 4 days

Collect the information from canvas and send to OpenMRS via REST

Getting Started:

Design sketches and UX ideas for editors

cTAKES install and demo parser

Project: Easy Treaty - Location Based Disease Treatment

Brief Explanation: Build an app to allow patients to connect disease treatments to locations. A user can look at their location and find what disease treatments are available nearby, as well as see the cost and availability.

Used Technologies:  Sencha Touch, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, Sencha Touch

Primary Mentor: Karan Singh

Secondary Mentor: Piyush Madan


Familiarize yourself with Sencha Touch and the OpenMRS REST API

Create a webapp that handles searching, sorting and filtering efficiently.

Document your module so that we can maintain it.

Getting Started:

Build a Hello World app using Sencha

Install OpenMRS on your system: http://openmrs.org/download/

Add on the OpenMRS REST module: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/REST+Module

GET location data or provider data through the OpenMRS REST API

Show this data on a map

Project: Health Device Communication

Brief Explanation: Build an app to communicate with health devices such as blood sugar monitors, blood pressure meters, and other low cost medical devices common in India.

Used Technologies: Sencha Touch, JavaScript, OpenMRS, Bluetooth

Primary Mentor: Surajit Nundy

Secondary Mentor: John Stoecker


Research common interfaces for low-cost medical devices in India

Familiarize yourself with Sencha Touch and the OpenMRS REST API

Create an app that allows automatic entry as well as manual entry from devices

Send results to OpenMRS via REST

Allow user to check results in graph form

Getting Started:

Research what kinds of low-cost devices that communicate over wifi/bluetooth are available in India

Project: That's what Doctor said

Brief Explanation: Build a Sencha Touch app that converts your doctor's prescription into layman's language. 

Used Technologies: Sencha, JavaScript, mySQL, HTML, CSS

Primary Mentor: Senthilnathan Shanmugam

Secondary Mentor: Amrit Singh Bains


Familiarize yourself with Sencha Touch, as well as a good parser for the prescription.

A patient is given a prescription/record of themselves. There should a button in the app which "translates" the record to simple english. 

There can be another tab for if a patient wants to read more about it, within the app, called "Do the research". 


Doctor wrote "ABC: QD AC 7 days" (where ABC is a medicine)

Response: "Take the medicine ABC everyday for 7 days before meals, starting today"

Steps to Reproduce for Application:

Build a Hello World app using Sencha 

Research for the best parser/lexical analyzer with JS 

Make a algorithm which can do basic parsing for few medicines(make it scalable, yet make it simple)

Upload the code on Github(give sample records to test on)