2011-09-27 Weekly Meeting

2011-09-27 Weekly Meeting

Raxa-JSS Weekly Meeting held on 27th Sep, 2011
Listen to the audio recording for the meeting:

Download the audio recording.


Conference call agenda:

  • Introductions
  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
  • Conference call agenda:
  1. Using social networking sites to communicate.
  2. Starting and finishing the document for students: NYU, CMU & Stanford
  3. Writing Jira tickets 
    1. What next steps do we need to take?
    2. Who will start writing JIRA tickets?
  4. Module coordinators
  5. Putting items on the wiki?
  6. Questions about any documentation?
    1. User Stories
    2. UI Design 
    3. Calendar
    4. Workflow (internal to the EMR build and at JSS)
  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min) 
  • In Attendance
  • Shuro, Daniel, Saptarshi, Sharath, Manor, Reza, Gavin, Vinay...(all are welcome!)

  • Shuro introduces the preamble and goals of the project. How it is an endevor and the people
  • Daniel - recap of the previous week.
    • People can look at the previous week's details for meeting.
    • People should look at the JIRA tickets and choose the tasks that they find useful
This week's details:
  •  People present: Daniel, Gavin, Saptarshi, Shivaran, Shuro, Roger, Bhushan, Adarsh, Nathan, Kevin, Vinay, Naval, Varun, Judy, Wenxian
  • Shuro - Signup for an OpenMRS ID and edit the wiki and add details to the wiki
  • Please write over email on how to use social networking tools like facebook and Google plus and how to improve communication using those tools.
    • e.g. Registration module could be one group where people can communicate about the module.
    • Using it to enhance our organizational skills.
    • Bhushan: Facebook or Google plus might be useful, but this is also a distraction from what we want to do
    • Adarsh agrees with Bhushan on this. But that these tools, like FB and Google+ would be good for a small structure. 
    • (Raj?) BaseCamp is a useful tool, but not free. People can use FreedCamp.com instead of Google Plus or Facebook
    • Raj: JIRA seems similar to Basecamp
    • Saptarshi: JIRA is very similar to Basecamp
  • Daniel  - we've had last week meeting with UX/UI team and we will collect feedback
    • we need to create tickets for the registration module given that we have nearly finished the mockups and then move to OPD, Billing and other modules.
  • Saptarshi: We want to create a projects page for the Stanford / NYU / CMU students to get involved with. Registration module can be one of the projects. Thought about the importer thing... The importer being importing records into the existing database structure.
  • Shuro - people need to own module co-ordination roles
    • this may be a role that will not take a lot of time, but take care on what is happening in the module, if things are moving forward correctly.
    • Daniel - We want to ask people now to take responsibility for the modules
    • Adarsh - I would like to look at IPD module co-ordination
    • Raj - I would like to look at the Registration module co-ordination
    • Shivaram - Is it going to be 1yr, 3yr, 5yr project? what is the timeline??
      • Daniel: The shared Google docs folder has the details of the phases. Although aggresive, we have a timeline on the calendar. Within a yr or so, we want to have a working product.