2012-05-14 Weekly Meeting
2012-05-14 Weekly Meeting
Module-Specific- UI/UX:
- Update from Susan Wolfe, our UI/UX lead
- UI / UX tools:
- http://graffletopia.com/search/sencha is a useful tool for designers who can quickly assemble the Sencha components both ExtJS and Touch2 to create low fidelity prototypes in OmniGraffle.
- Kitchen Sink (to get an idea of possible elements)http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/examples/production/kitchensink/
- Sencha Components (See "list of xtypes")http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2-0/#!/guide/components-section-5
- ExtJS (see list of xtypes):http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0/#!/api/Ext.Component
- Google Summer of Code:
- GSoC updates
- 3 GSoC interns are beginning work this week: Vikas, Piyush, and Martin
- Expectations for this week:
- Wiki page describing their project plan, to be updated regularly throughout the summer
- Martin ... TODO: link_to_WIKI , link_to_BLOG
- Piyush ... TODO: link_to_WIKI , link_to_BLOG
- Vikas ... TODO: link_to_WIKI , link_to_BLOG
- Update project plan/deadlies
- Setup dev environment
- Blog entry describing experiences at end of week
- Wiki page describing their project plan, to be updated regularly throughout the summer
- GSoC updates
- Development:
- Developers meeting this past week with notes here:https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/2012-05-11+Developer+Meeting Meeting involved Shuro, Dan, Saptarshi, John, Piyush, Karan, Vikas, Nathan
- Developer call will be moved to Thursday at 7:30pm IST. (See timings here: Raxa-JSS Meetings)
- Improved documentation for BackEnd developers, in response to contributor requests.
- Developers meeting this past week with notes here:https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/2012-05-11+Developer+Meeting Meeting involved Shuro, Dan, Saptarshi, John, Piyush, Karan, Vikas, Nathan
- Other:
- Google calendar. Please join into any call you’d like throughout the week. As of now we have regular, weekly developers calls, UI / UX design call and a project-wide call (today). See the project calendar on the front page of the wiki (now definitely public):https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Raxa+JSS+EMR
- Saptarshi has put together an extremely helpful document on how to get started on the Lab module back-end:https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Getting+Started+-+Lab+Module+Back-end+Development
- Please follow us on Twitter! @raxa_jss_emr
- Lab:
- Back end: Updates from Roger Friedman, who is leading the development of the Lab module’s back-end.
- Front end: Update from Sathyan Velumani, our full time UI researcher-designer working on lab.
- Added screens for Batch approval
- Added GoogleDoc for UI feedback https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AikqMtp9CozmdDlneXpUVGg1ZGJxRlgwYWY4QS1LX3c. Susan recommends we also add new rows for "General Comments" for each flow instead of only specific pages.
- Pharmacy:
- Update from Dr Barry Levine on back end.
- Term ends this week, no major update since last week (Students have ported back-end from Postgres to MySQL)
- 3 students will continue working for their culminating experience, and some other students as time permits. 2 students able to work full-time during the summer, 1 able to do part-time volunteering.
- Should students on Pharmacy use our JIRA system? How else can we coordinate effectively? Saptarshi and Barry should work in coordination.
- Term ends this week, no major update since last week (Students have ported back-end from Postgres to MySQL)
- Update on design. We expect that Sathyan or Astha will take this forward.
- Barry needs more designs, so he can better understand the data_model that's expected.
- Update from Dr Barry Levine on back end.
- Registration / Login screen:
- Login is taking slightly longer than the expected time. Aimed for 7 man-days but running a little behind. Still, lots of progress.
- Screener / Triage:
- About 1/2 complete. Working on Patient List backend.
- When stuck, can send email to developers list. Especially if you have a widely applicable problem!
- Voice: Update from either Apurv Tiwari or Dr. Shuro Nundy
- OPD: Darrian+Hyeona and Darrian+Astha have a plan going forward for future designs of the OPD module.
- Astha has a similar UI feedback document to the one used by Sathyan
General Comments:
- Make sure coordination between Pharmacy (Barry + Saptarshi) and Lab (Roger + saptarshi) happens, so we have these modules well aligned with rest of Raxa work.