2012-06-11 Weekly Meeting
2012-06-11 Weekly Meeting
Participants: North, Barry, Jessica, Daniel, Susan, Roger, Piyush, Shuro, John, Joy, Martin, Durgaprasad and Sathyan.
- General organizational updates:
- Last week's weekly meeting notes are located here: 2012-06-04 Weekly Meeting
- For the
- Surajit Nundy, Daniel Pepper, North de Pencier, and Jessica Tribbe had a great organizational management meeting to discuss some strategic planning, the public face of Raxa JSS EMR, and some funding ideas. Meeting notes can be found here.
- @Jessica Tribbe is working on updates to Raxa.org and our social media presence. Getting some energy into our social media presence, our blog on Raxa.org so people can follow what's happening in our office and elsewhere. We ask that everyone "like" our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (raxa_jss_emr), and share with your friends.
- We are testing Mumble as an alternative to/fallback solution for freeconferencing. A test run will be on Wed, June 13, 11:30 AM IST - anyone who is free at that time is invited to join us - To get started using Mumble see our Installation Guide.
- UI / UX updates
- General UI / UX updates across modules:
- Susan J. Wolfe (Unlicensed) has put together a fantastic document detailing two important issues that need to be tackled:
- (1) completion of visual design and
- (2) conversion of Sencha designs for the Registration module to desktop designs.
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jjWxDkr0v-YAMVxG5AXX0CWBn2rcPtnGYOaCjzsJgVg/edit
- Roger: Those should be tickets in the JIRA
- Shuro: Nathan has already converted into ticket
- Piyush Madan (Unlicensed) has put together a document trouble shooting of Registration module designs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AikqMtp9CozmdEJLamg4UHdzblRNVU1wbE5ubUdNNlE
- Susan J. Wolfe (Unlicensed) has put together a fantastic document detailing two important issues that need to be tackled:
- Laboratory
- Extremely productive UI / UX call with meeting notes here: 2012-06-05 Lab UI Meeting
- Please give feedback on Lab Order Creation
- A few more days to flesh out the remaining screen
- There is a tab named 'Lab' relating to the UI in the document that Piyush put on
- OPD module
- Pharmacy
- Had a call with Sunil on Version 2 on the designs.
- New designs from DP: https://www.dropbox.com/s/usrkpojr476vh06/PharmacyModule_v2.pdf
- Lab Order Creation (new version complete) in dropbox
- Fleshing out the other mock ups to reflect the new search panel philosophy
- General UI / UX updates across modules:
- Updates from developers project-wide
- GSoC updates
- Completed with basic design of searching of registered patient in Registration Module & waiting for feedback/suggestion (http://bit.ly/Och9jc)
- Working REST call on search patient name (only). Hacking grid panel is pending.
- Need to hack REST on patient resource to search on attributes as well (asked to skip this task now)
- Proposed few suggestions on dev group for printing of registration cards in hindi (now it is a part of Registration Module) - Need urgent suggestions
- Will start creating widgets needed in Lab Module before end of this week
- Google Summer of Code Meetup at Google, Gurgoan is scheduled on 15th June 2012
- Martin Losse (Unlicensed)
- continues to work on Lab admin section and implement what has been put in the mockups
- progress is OK
- sidetask is quite a bit of test case
- Code Sprint Updates
- Code Sprint dashboard: https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10400
- on the dashboard it says that we have 2 days remaining but we will probably go to the end of the week
- expect 8 more tickets to be done in the next day or so
- have the majority of tickets done by the end of the week.
- Other:
- Tushar Bansal (Unlicensed) has created a fantastic Common blockers & solutions page on the wiki, located under 'Coding Standards'.
- GSoC updates
- Updates that are module-specific
- Registration
- Nearly complete, except for the printing of registration cards and scanning of old documents/uploading pictures
- Screener
- List of patients and doctors are now linked from client side model-store-ajax request to server side.
- this past weekend we got everything linked in a few views from the model to the store to the ajax request to the server. so our server is talking to our front end, which is really great.
- now it'll be faster to link them together in the future
- Lab
- Roger Friedman (Unlicensed): We're coming to the end of the front-end design phase and looking forward to getting Piyush Madan (Unlicensed) to break up the design into tasks and Jianhua Wang (Unlicensed) will work on reporting.
- at some point we will have to convert from 1.8 to 1.9 and once that happens we'll be able to install the module in the test server so that people can start coding against the server.
- Pharmacy
- Barry will start traveling in a week and isn't sure if he'll be able to participate on calls when he's in Africa
- Students should be moving iDART into OpenMRS.
- If this goes smoothly we should have fast progress
- First part is prescriptions
- Roger Friedman (Unlicensed) help out on OpenMRS aspects for which the students might not be familiar
- Surajit Nundy: can we use JIRA...? YES.
- IVR (speech / interactive voice recognition):
- Installed Asterisk PBX and implemented a DTMF dial-plan to receive SIP calls
- Installed Ravenclaw and modified a sample dialogue to book an appointment.
- Currently trying to fix Asterisk-Ravenclaw integration to allow SIP calls from Asterisk to communicate with Ravenclaw. Issue in detail.
- Patient facing: 2012-06-06 Patient Module Meeting held this past week, including Surajit Nundy, Sathyan Velumani, Matt Kam, and Niyati Gupta.
- CHW module: Joy M (Unlicensed) we've been able to have two successful meetings with people developing MoTech. We're using an older version and once the demo and documentation is ready for that we will move from old to
- Registration