Raxa EMR People

Raxa EMR People

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Raxa EMR Core Team

  • Surajit Nundy MD PhD - Project Lead. "Shuro" is a doctor and IT enthusiast who lived in America for a long time where he was trained in Internal Medicine, Computational Neuroscience research and Public Health before moving back to India.
  • Susan Wolfe - UI/UX design coordinator.  Susan has been in the user experience field for a very, very long time, focusing on UX design and facilitation, organizational strategy, and training to support it.  She has an increasing interest in social innovation and addressing problems that matter.  Her company, Optimal Experience, is based in Sydney, Australia.  When she's not there, Susan can typically be found in her other home town – San Francisco.
  • John Stoecker - Stanford computer science graduate currently leading the development team in Delhi.
  • Karan Singh -  a Koffaholic Coder, passionate about technology, loves Pizzas. Karan was a summer intern at Raxa in 2012 and joined the team full time in January 2014
  • Amrit Singh Bains - ambitious splendid benevolent. tennis football guitar piano. loves to speak Punjabi. nicknamed @ Amz. proud Dilli-wala. travel freak

  • Chahal Arora - joined the team in September 2014 ,is a software enthusiast ,wants to make the world a better place using technology , loves to be updated with new technology trend . Was also a Microsoft Student Partner from 2012-1014. Technology ,Food ,Gaming are the things that define him.
  • Kartik Jain - Communication Engineer , Software Developer @ Raxa since September 2014 and Co-Founder of non profit MASH Project..Kartik has active interest in implementing Technology for Social Cause.He is a big time foodie and likes to spend free time checking out TV Series .
  • Alpana Singhal - loves to explore new places, cook new dishes. Foodie. Basketball player. Also a coder.
  • Senthil Shanmugam -  a passionate, UX Researcher, with a diverse background, ranging from Human Factors to Human Computer Interaction.

  • Piyush Madan - Open Source Enthusiast, Bigtime Foodie, Passiate Music Lover & Proud Delhite. Piyush was a GSoC Intern at Raxa in 2012. He joined the team right after that and his been one of our prized developers ever since.

  • Sathyan Velumani - UX Designer / Researcher. He has 5 years of experience in Contextual Design, User Interface and Experience Design in the field of mobile VAS, Mobile applications and services, and Social Web. Passionate about understanding the innate user needs through ethnographic research and developing solutions by leveraging the latest technological advancements in Mobile telecom and Social web.

JSS Implementation Team

Project Coordination
  • Surajit Nundy MD PhD - Project Lead. "Shuro" is a doctor and IT enthusiast who lived in America for a long time where he was trained in Internal Medicine, Computational Neuroscience research and Public Health before moving back to India.  He has been a fan and supporter of JSS for many years and travels there frequently from his home in Delhi.
  • Daniel Pepper - Project Manager. Daniel studied philosophy at the University of Chicago and then worked as a journalist for eight years covering conflict, humanitarian issues and the environment. Along the way he became hooked on clinical medicine and will be heading to medical school in late 2012. Daniel is based at JSS in Chhattisgarh. 
  • Susan Wolfe - UI/UX design coordinator.  Susan has been in the user experience field for a very, very long time, focusing on UX design and facilitation, organizational strategy, and training to support it.  She has an increasing interest in social innovation and addressing problems that matter.  Her company, Optimal Experience, is based in Sydney, Australia.  When she's not there, Susan can typically be found in her other home town – San Francisco.
  • Avinash Tripathi - New Delhi-based UI/UX expert.
  • Nancy Perlman, FRSA - I get design stuff done. Good design takes time (or bucket-loads of experience for those first sketches to be accurate). Been in front of the screen since the era of the 600 baud modem. Hover between London, Paris and Madrid.

  • Sathyan Velumani - UX Designer / Researcher. He has 5 years of experience in Contextual Design, User Interface and Experience Design in the field of mobile VAS, Mobile applications and services, and Social Web. Passionate about understanding the innate user needs through ethnographic research and developing solutions by leveraging the latest technological advancements in Mobile telecom and Social web. more
JSS Computer Staff
  • Bhuwneshwar Sahu - Computer operator at the JSS Ganyari hospital with responsibilities that include data entry, computer maintenance, network maintenance, troubleshooting. 
  • Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan - PhD candidate, UT Austin 
Technology Advisor
  • Saptarshi Purkayastha - Research Fellow at NTNU, Norway. Part of OpenMRS's Core Development Team. He has been implementing OpenMRS at private clinics and nursing home since 2008. Formerly, in the role of Director, R&D, was involved as part of HISP India's team of OpenMRS implementation. He researches through design, development and implementation of global health information systems ranging from country-level information system to clinical systems and mobile health systems in India and other African countries.
  • Sharath Hangal - Bangalore based volunteer, and Fellow at IIM-Bangalore. As a consultant and has worked in healthcare with experience in implementation of Clinical, Non Clinical and PACS systems for a Cancer Hospital. Contributes in the areas of Change Management, Project Management, Business Process Re-engineering and Application Architecture.

  • Dr. Judy Wawira - Medical doctor and graduate student in health Informatics at IUPUI, Indianapolis. Worked with medical records mainly on OpenMRS, with implementations in Kibera (Nairobi) for primary health care. Now a part of a joint medical records initiative called Kibera Medical Records Initiative to promote Health Information exchange in the slum region.
  • Dr. Richard Gavin K Rumnong - Gavin is an Indian doctor and is now working in the feild Medical and health informatics.He has experience with developemennt and implementation of Hospital  Information System, based on OpenMRS, for Indian health care settings.
  • Roger Friedman - Center for Disease Control, Atlanta & OpenMRS contributor.
  • Manor Lev-Tov - A New York-based programmer, with a strong background in database  architecture and development.  Along with databases, Manor is experienced in designing highly scalable machine learning algorithms, with particular experience developing a large scale text analysis platform currently in use in the legal industry, and data analytics. Starting in late October, 2011 to work full time.

  • David Martin - U.K.-based, retired, computer professional. Experience with Erlang-based Couchbeam to populate Couchdb clusters. Aim to produce a low cost highly decentralized cluster of self replicating cheap open source commodity hardware data stores that can serve scaleably to clients equipped only with cheap browser capable hardware
Clinical Advisors
  • Kristian Olson - Dr. Kristian Olson is on staff at the Massachusetts General Hospital as an Inpatient Clinical Educator in the Department of Medicine. He trained in the Harvard Combined Program in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and is a faculty member of Harvard Medical School. He is on the MGH Executive Committee for Global Health and is a Faculty member of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative.

  • Rajnish Juneja - JSS Liaison. Dr. R. Juneja, trained in Cardiology at AIIMS has been working as a faculty at AIIMS since 1995. With links to JSS since its very beginning and a part of its general body, Dr. Juneja is among one of the people deeply involved in clinical work at Ganiyari but not residing in Bilaspur, as yet (hoping to join full time by 2015). Has been a very active member of the committee  entrusted to implement EMR at AIIMS (unfortunately limited success till now) and is well verse with most of the lingo associated with it. Knows in details about the exact JSS clinical working and therefore provides the interface between clinical work and EMR at JSS.

  • Megan Coffee
Scientific Advisory Group
  • Jeannette Wing - President's Professor of Computer Science and Head of the Computer Science Department (CSD) within Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science (SCS). As a researcher, Wing is an international leader in the area of formal methods — the use of mathematical models and logics to specify and reason about computing systems — and in trustworthy computing, with a focus on software security and privacy.

  • Manuela Veloso - Herbert A. Simon Professor, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Manuela Veloso's long-term research goal is the effective construction of autonomous agents where cognition, perception, and action are combined to address planning, execution, and learning tasks. Her vision is that multiple intelligent robots with different sets of complementary capabilities will provide a seamless synergy of intelligence. As of 2010, she has ten PhD students and has graduated other twenty one PhD students, whose theses are available at her website www.cs.cmu.edu/~mmv
  • Leo Anthony Celi  Dr. Leo Anthony Celi, MD, MPH, MS is an internist, an intensive care unit doctor, and an infectious disease specialist. After working in New Zealand for 5 years, Leo returned to Boston to pursue a master's degree in biomedical informatics at the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & Technology and a master's degree in public health at Harvard University, and a research post-doctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital. His current research projects are in the field of artificial intelligence in medicine and strengthening health care systems in resource-constrained settings. He is now on staff at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center ICU and the Laboratory of Computational Physiology at MIT.
  • Trishan Panch  A medical doctor from the UK with an interest in the application of technology to strengthen health systems. He gained his medical degree from Imperial College, London and has completed specialist qualifications in Primary Care (MRCGP) and Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DRCOG) He has a Masters in Public Health in Health Policy and Management from the Harvard School of Public Health. For more information see www.hybridvigour.net.
  • Pramod Upadhyaya  M.Sc., Ph.D. is a research chemist and a tenure faculty member at the National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi where he is working on antigen delivery systems. He is also actively involved with the Center for Science Education and Communication, University of Delhi. Among other things, he has developed a low-cost personal air sampler for monitoring air pollution and simple microbiological tests for checking potability of drinking water. As a member of JSS he is actively involved in developing low cost health care technology.
ThoughtWorks partners
  • Vinay Venu  Bangalore-based programmer. Familiar with OpenMRS. Has implemented a thin web based workflow for a mobile clinic using OpenMRS services as back-end. Currently working full time as a consultant with ThoughtWorks, a custom software vendor.
  • Kishore Kumar Application Developer at ThoughtWorks Inc, Bangalore.
  • Lucy Kurian  Application Developer with Thoughtworks Inc, Bangalore. Familiar with OpenMRS. Has implemented the info path convertor for OpenMRS. 
  • Nathan Leiby - Delhi/Seattle-based development lead at Raxa. Worked 1.5 years with Microsoft on Windows Phone. Built and continue to extend infant-HIV medical records database for Caris Foundation in Haiti.

  • Bhushan Mohan - Doctoral candidate in the Department of Computer Science in University of Virginia, Charlottesville.  Experience in building native and browser based applications for Windows mobile phone. Interested in building software that can directly help the under-privileged sections of our society. Able to work within a team and to think through complex problems.
  • Bisakha Ray - Los Angeles-based software engineer. Graduate from Johns Hopkins University. Has experience as a developer in medical informatics and PACS based systems.
  • Suhas Deshpande - Currently pursing Masters degree in Computer Science at The George Washington University, 15 months of Lab experience in C, C++, Java SE, Unix Administration and teaching experience in Algorithms, Operating Systems, Advanced Microprocessors at Pillai's Institute of Information Technology, New Panvel, Maharashtra, India. Holds BE in Computer Engineering from Pune University. Programming Expertise: - C, C++, Python, Java SE/ EE. Implemented an inventory management as a final year undergrad project sponsored by Treasury Department (India), which comes under the Gov. Maharashtra, technologies used:-  Java EE, JMS, JPA.
  • Naval Saini - Currently a freelancer (mobile application, embedded software, etc). Previously, was founder of a startup EDEDAA (arts industry), which ran for an year. Also, has worked in embedded software firms on Linux kernel, Android (multimedia audio pipeline) and range of open-source tools. Other interests are writing and working on ICT and rural development related projects.
  • Amarjeet Singh - PhD. IIT, Delhi. Experience with SANA mobile (MIT) & OpenMRS
  • Gaurav Paliwal - Delhi-based OpenMRS contributor. Graduate IPU Delhi. More info can be seen here: http://gauravpaliwal.com
  • Adarsh Solanki - UVa 2013 Computer Science major.  Experience in both healthcare field and technology and look forward to harnessing the power of OpenMRS to improve the lives of many while also gaining invaluable experience by working with a talented international team.
  • Manav Goel - 4th year undergraduate student at IIT Delhi.
  • Jason Ya - 2nd year undergraduate at UVa, Computer Engineering/Computer Science.  Relatively new to the OpenMRS Project, but very interested in the intersection of computer science and medicine and willing to learn new techniques to contribute to this project.  Experience in public health/epidemiology research on large case-control studies in Italy.
  • Jeffrey Bhasin - My passion is using computer technology to improve our treatment and understanding of human disease. I am president ofBlue Cranium, LLC, a Cleveland, Ohio based firm that develops analytics and informatics solutions to enhance discovery in biomedical research. I have extensive experience with bioinformatics approaches to studying human disease from a whole-genome perspective and am pleased to lend my programming knowledge to contribute to OpenMRS and the JSS implementation. I hold a BA in Biology from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and I also work in Molecular Cardiology and Quantitative Health Sciences at the Cleveland Clinic where I am conducting research into the genetic factors involved in heart disease using computational approaches on large sets of data. I am a devotee of open source software and run Linux on all my servers and desktops. I program in Python, Perl, R, C++, SQL, Java, and HTML/CSS.
  • Raj Zachariah - Graduate Student in Human Computer Interaction at University of Maryland - College Park. He is a Computer Science major and has an MS in Information Management. He worked in India with Wipro Technologies as a C# developer and later with an e-prescribing company called DrFirst, Inc. in Maryland.

  • Evan Donahue - Graduated from Brown University with degrees in Computer Science/Mathematics and Modern Culture & Media. Computer science interests include natural language, machine learning, and web development. Got involved with JSS because it seemed like a refreshingly useful application of his interests.
  • Wenxian Yang - Arizona State University Computer, with a Diploma in French and Software Engineering from the University Technology Belfort Monbeliard.Experience in Web Application Development based on language Java and Python.
  • Abhinav Ghai - Laboratory Module co-ordinator. Pursuing Masters in Computer Science at Purdue University. (Alumni - BITS,Pilani)
  • Kaiwen Xu - Purdue University Computer Science 2015
  • Gaurav Chugh - Delhi based Graduate Student(B.Tech) and contributor at OpenMRS.Interested in web application development.

  • Khanh Nguyen - PhD student at George Washington University in CS. Enthusiastic in contributing for open source community. Has experience in web and iOS app development. 

  • Jianhua Wang - George Washington University student, M.S. in Computer Science. Familiar to Java EE ,Topic Crawler and interesting in Computer Graphic and Algorithm.

  • Zhong Xie - A Washington D.C.-based programer. An active mobile developer and designer. A fan of Linux and open source. Hold a B.E. in medical informatics (Biomedical engineering). And have work experience in hospital with HIS and PACS. 

  • K V Bapa Rao - Los Angeles-based computer professional who has done research, development, and teaching over a long career.  Currently employed full-time as Senior Software Engineer. Relevant technical experience in  includes Java-based software development, database systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, search, analytics, and project management support. I hope to start with a few hours per week working on this exciting and worthwhile project. 

  • Ashish Kumar - graduated from IIT-D. I am working in software industry for more than 10 years. I have technical experience to design and develope a web application (JBoss application server or Tomcat Web Server) or standalone application involving various databases (mysql, oracle). On the integration side I have used web services and SSL to communicate between the system.

  • Joy Ming - computer science undergraduate from Harvard joined Raxa for the summer of 2012
  • John Stoecker - Stanford computer science graduate currently part of the front end core development team in Delhi.     

  • Tarang Mahajan - Computer Science undergraduate from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi joined Raxa for the summer of 2012.

  • Karan Singh - CS Major from GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi worked as a summer intern in 2012.

Interested in joining?

Please contact us


Email Lists

Main Lists

Special Purpose Lists



Project Coordination
  • Surajit Nundy MD PhD - Project Lead. "Shuro" is a doctor and IT enthusiast who lived in America for a long time where he was trained in Internal Medicine, Computational Neuroscience research and Public Health before moving back to India.  He has been a fan and supporter of JSS for many years and travels there frequently from his home in Delhi.

  • Daniel Pepper - Project Manager. Daniel studied philosophy at the University of Chicago and then worked as a journalist for eight years covering conflict, humanitarian issues and the environment. Along the way he became hooked on clinical medicine and will be heading to medical school in late 2012. Daniel is based at JSS in Chhattisgarh. 
  • Susan Wolfe - UI/UX design coordinator.  Susan has been in the user experience field for a very, very long time, focusing on UX design and facilitation, organizational strategy, and training to support it.  She has an increasing interest in social innovation and addressing problems that matter.  Her company, Optimal Experience, is based in Sydney, Australia.  When she's not there, Susan can typically be found in her other home town – San Francisco.
  • Avinash Tripathi - New Delhi-based UI/UX expert.
  • Nancy Perlman, FRSA - I get design stuff done. Good design takes time (or bucket-loads of experience for those first sketches to be accurate). Been in front of the screen since the era of the 600 baud modem. Hover between London, Paris and Madrid.

  • Sathyan Velumani - UX Designer / Researcher. He has 5 years of experience in Contextual Design, User Interface and Experience Design in the field of mobile VAS, Mobile applications and services, and Social Web. Passionate about understanding the innate user needs through ethnographic research and developing solutions by leveraging the latest technological advancements in Mobile telecom and Social web. more
JSS Computer Staff
  • Bhuwneshwar Sahu - Computer operator at the JSS Ganyari hospital with responsibilities that include data entry, computer maintenance, network maintenance, troubleshooting. 
  • Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan - PhD candidate, UT Austin 
Technology Advisor
  • Saptarshi Purkayastha - Research Fellow at NTNU, Norway. Part of OpenMRS's Core Development Team. He has been implementing OpenMRS at private clinics and nursing home since 2008. Formerly, in the role of Director, R&D, was involved as part of HISP India's team of OpenMRS implementation. He researches through design, development and implementation of global health information systems ranging from country-level information system to clinical systems and mobile health systems in India and other African countries.
  • Sharath Hangal - Bangalore based volunteer, and Fellow at IIM-Bangalore. As a consultant and has worked in healthcare with experience in implementation of Clinical, Non Clinical and PACS systems for a Cancer Hospital. Contributes in the areas of Change Management, Project Management, Business Process Re-engineering and Application Architecture.

  • Dr. Judy Wawira - Medical doctor and graduate student in health Informatics at IUPUI, Indianapolis. Worked with medical records mainly on OpenMRS, with implementations in Kibera (Nairobi) for primary health care. Now a part of a joint medical records initiative called Kibera Medical Records Initiative to promote Health Information exchange in the slum region.
  • Dr. Richard Gavin K Rumnong - Gavin is an Indian doctor and is now working in the feild Medical and health informatics.He has experience with developemennt and implementation of Hospital  Information System, based on OpenMRS, for Indian health care settings.
  • Roger Friedman - Center for Disease Control, Atlanta & OpenMRS contributor.
  • Manor Lev-Tov - A New York-based programmer, with a strong background in database  architecture and development.  Along with databases, Manor is experienced in designing highly scalable machine learning algorithms, with particular experience developing a large scale text analysis platform currently in use in the legal industry, and data analytics. Starting in late October, 2011 to work full time.

  • David Martin - U.K.-based, retired, computer professional. Experience with Erlang-based Couchbeam to populate Couchdb clusters. Aim to produce a low cost highly decentralized cluster of self replicating cheap open source commodity hardware data stores that can serve scaleably to clients equipped only with cheap browser capable hardware
Clinical Advisors
  • Kristian Olson - Dr. Kristian Olson is on staff at the Massachusetts General Hospital as an Inpatient Clinical Educator in the Department of Medicine. He trained in the Harvard Combined Program in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and is a faculty member of Harvard Medical School. He is on the MGH Executive Committee for Global Health and is a Faculty member of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative.

  • Rajnish Juneja - JSS Liaison. Dr. R. Juneja, trained in Cardiology at AIIMS has been working as a faculty at AIIMS since 1995. With links to JSS since its very beginning and a part of its general body, Dr. Juneja is among one of the people deeply involved in clinical work at Ganiyari but not residing in Bilaspur, as yet (hoping to join full time by 2015). Has been a very active member of the committee  entrusted to implement EMR at AIIMS (unfortunately limited success till now) and is well verse with most of the lingo associated with it. Knows in details about the exact JSS clinical working and therefore provides the interface between clinical work and EMR at JSS.

  • Megan Coffee
Scientific Advisory Group
  • Jeannette Wing - President's Professor of Computer Science and Head of the Computer Science Department (CSD) within Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science (SCS). As a researcher, Wing is an international leader in the area of formal methods — the use of mathematical models and logics to specify and reason about computing systems — and in trustworthy computing, with a focus on software security and privacy.

  • Manuela Veloso - Herbert A. Simon Professor, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Manuela Veloso's long-term research goal is the effective construction of autonomous agents where cognition, perception, and action are combined to address planning, execution, and learning tasks. Her vision is that multiple intelligent robots with different sets of complementary capabilities will provide a seamless synergy of intelligence. As of 2010, she has ten PhD students and has graduated other twenty one PhD students, whose theses are available at her website www.cs.cmu.edu/~mmv
  • Leo Anthony Celi  Dr. Leo Anthony Celi, MD, MPH, MS is an internist, an intensive care unit doctor, and an infectious disease specialist. After working in New Zealand for 5 years, Leo returned to Boston to pursue a master's degree in biomedical informatics at the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & Technology and a master's degree in public health at Harvard University, and a research post-doctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital. His current research projects are in the field of artificial intelligence in medicine and strengthening health care systems in resource-constrained settings. He is now on staff at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center ICU and the Laboratory of Computational Physiology at MIT.
  • Trishan Panch  A medical doctor from the UK with an interest in the application of technology to strengthen health systems. He gained his medical degree from Imperial College, London and has completed specialist qualifications in Primary Care (MRCGP) and Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DRCOG) He has a Masters in Public Health in Health Policy and Management from the Harvard School of Public Health. For more information see www.hybridvigour.net.
  • Pramod Upadhyaya  M.Sc., Ph.D. is a research chemist and a tenure faculty member at the National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi where he is working on antigen delivery systems. He is also actively involved with the Center for Science Education and Communication, University of Delhi. Among other things, he has developed a low-cost personal air sampler for monitoring air pollution and simple microbiological tests for checking potability of drinking water. As a member of JSS he is actively involved in developing low cost health care technology.
ThoughtWorks partners
  • Vinay Venu  Bangalore-based programmer. Familiar with OpenMRS. Has implemented a thin web based workflow for a mobile clinic using OpenMRS services as back-end. Currently working full time as a consultant with ThoughtWorks, a custom software vendor.
  • Kishore Kumar Application Developer at ThoughtWorks Inc, Bangalore.
  • Lucy Kurian  Application Developer with Thoughtworks Inc, Bangalore. Familiar with OpenMRS. Has implemented the info path convertor for OpenMRS. 
  • Nathan Leiby - Delhi/Seattle-based development lead at Raxa. Worked 1.5 years with Microsoft on Windows Phone. Built and continue to extend infant-HIV medical records database for Caris Foundation in Haiti.

  • Bhushan Mohan - Doctoral candidate in the Department of Computer Science in University of Virginia, Charlottesville.  Experience in building native and browser based applications for Windows mobile phone. Interested in building software that can directly help the under-privileged sections of our society. Able to work within a team and to think through complex problems.
  • Bisakha Ray - Los Angeles-based software engineer. Graduate from Johns Hopkins University. Has experience as a developer in medical informatics and PACS based systems.
  • Suhas Deshpande - Currently pursing Masters degree in Computer Science at The George Washington University, 15 months of Lab experience in C, C++, Java SE, Unix Administration and teaching experience in Algorithms, Operating Systems, Advanced Microprocessors at Pillai's Institute of Information Technology, New Panvel, Maharashtra, India. Holds BE in Computer Engineering from Pune University. Programming Expertise: - C, C++, Python, Java SE/ EE. Implemented an inventory management as a final year undergrad project sponsored by Treasury Department (India), which comes under the Gov. Maharashtra, technologies used:-  Java EE, JMS, JPA.
  • Naval Saini - Currently a freelancer (mobile application, embedded software, etc). Previously, was founder of a startup EDEDAA (arts industry), which ran for an year. Also, has worked in embedded software firms on Linux kernel, Android (multimedia audio pipeline) and range of open-source tools. Other interests are writing and working on ICT and rural development related projects.
  • Amarjeet Singh - PhD. IIT, Delhi. Experience with SANA mobile (MIT) & OpenMRS
  • Gaurav Paliwal - Delhi-based OpenMRS contributor. Graduate IPU Delhi. More info can be seen here: http://gauravpaliwal.com
  • Adarsh Solanki - UVa 2013 Computer Science major.  Experience in both healthcare field and technology and look forward to harnessing the power of OpenMRS to improve the lives of many while also gaining invaluable experience by working with a talented international team.
  • Manav Goel - 4th year undergraduate student at IIT Delhi.
  • Jason Ya - 2nd year undergraduate at UVa, Computer Engineering/Computer Science.  Relatively new to the OpenMRS Project, but very interested in the intersection of computer science and medicine and willing to learn new techniques to contribute to this project.  Experience in public health/epidemiology research on large case-control studies in Italy.
  • Jeffrey Bhasin - My passion is using computer technology to improve our treatment and understanding of human disease. I am president ofBlue Cranium, LLC, a Cleveland, Ohio based firm that develops analytics and informatics solutions to enhance discovery in biomedical research. I have extensive experience with bioinformatics approaches to studying human disease from a whole-genome perspective and am pleased to lend my programming knowledge to contribute to OpenMRS and the JSS implementation. I hold a BA in Biology from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and I also work in Molecular Cardiology and Quantitative Health Sciences at the Cleveland Clinic where I am conducting research into the genetic factors involved in heart disease using computational approaches on large sets of data. I am a devotee of open source software and run Linux on all my servers and desktops. I program in Python, Perl, R, C++, SQL, Java, and HTML/CSS.
  • Raj Zachariah - Graduate Student in Human Computer Interaction at University of Maryland - College Park. He is a Computer Science major and has an MS in Information Management. He worked in India with Wipro Technologies as a C# developer and later with an e-prescribing company called DrFirst, Inc. in Maryland.

  • Evan Donahue - Graduated from Brown University with degrees in Computer Science/Mathematics and Modern Culture & Media. Computer science interests include natural language, machine learning, and web development. Got involved with JSS because it seemed like a refreshingly useful application of his interests.
  • Wenxian Yang - Arizona State University Computer, with a Diploma in French and Software Engineering from the University Technology Belfort Monbeliard.Experience in Web Application Development based on language Java and Python.
  • Abhinav Ghai - Laboratory Module co-ordinator. Pursuing Masters in Computer Science at Purdue University. (Alumni - BITS,Pilani)
  • Kaiwen Xu - Purdue University Computer Science 2015
  • Gaurav Chugh - Delhi based Graduate Student(B.Tech) and contributor at OpenMRS.Interested in web application development.

  • Khanh Nguyen - PhD student at George Washington University in CS. Enthusiastic in contributing for open source community. Has experience in web and iOS app development. 

  • Jianhua Wang - George Washington University student, M.S. in Computer Science. Familiar to Java EE ,Topic Crawler and interesting in Computer Graphic and Algorithm.

  • Zhong Xie - A Washington D.C.-based programer. An active mobile developer and designer. A fan of Linux and open source. Hold a B.E. in medical informatics (Biomedical engineering). And have work experience in hospital with HIS and PACS. 

  • K V Bapa Rao - Los Angeles-based computer professional who has done research, development, and teaching over a long career.  Currently employed full-time as Senior Software Engineer. Relevant technical experience in  includes Java-based software development, database systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, search, analytics, and project management support. I hope to start with a few hours per week working on this exciting and worthwhile project. 

  • Ashish Kumar - graduated from IIT-D. I am working in software industry for more than 10 years. I have technical experience to design and develope a web application (JBoss application server or Tomcat Web Server) or standalone application involving various databases (mysql, oracle). On the integration side I have used web services and SSL to communicate between the system.

  • Joy Ming - computer science undergraduate from Harvard joining Raxa for the summer of 2012
  • John Stoecker - Stanford computer science graduate currently part of the front end core development team in Delhi.     

  • Tarang Mahajan - Computer Science undergraduate from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi joining Raxa for the summer of 2012.

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