2012-06-05 Lab UI Meeting
2012-06-05 Lab UI Meeting
- Report Entry
- Need "Done" and "Cancel"/"Back" button on the Report Entry page ... User must confirm their entry
- If user his "Done", the lab report is sent to the approver. At this point, only the approver can change the result.
- MISTAKE: There's a different background behind the lab "add note" functinoality. Should be teh Report Entry Page
- Note icon turns green once something is inputted
- Batch Approval
- Similar to lab manager approving. Also provides quality control, so you can look for consistently abnormal results (equipment problems)
- Historical: has already approved/rejected, as well as results that haven't been dealt with
- Time/date should be clarified as to what kind of time/date
- Order of columns should be logical and should be consistent across all screens where it makes sense (e.g. Urgent is on Left-hand of this screen, but was on right-hand of previous screen)
- For lab orders that involve more description, not a single-dropdown response, will all become structured responses.
- Question: Are there times when you add a text description? Or should we enforce uniformity in responses
- Question: How do you view the text notes when reviewing lab samples
- Checkbox, Thumbs up/down, Accept -> all of these mean similar things to a user. how to clarify this interaction?
- All of the extensive searching, sorting, labeling options at top of screen... do we need all of them?
- Report Approval
- single report could have many lab order #s; each lab order could have many specimen IDs
- Can make changes to a previously entered result
- Some results should be hidden because they're sensitive or shouldn't be shown in the report
- When click "Hide" (the eye) --> means the result will not be printed (or "don't print")
- USABILITY CONCERN: Will users quickly become familiar with the eye, or difficult to use?
- -Should we use a symbol (the eye) or words ("dont print")
- -Should we gray out just the symbol/words, or the entire row
- Preliminary, Final, Revised are tags that appear on the printed report (Should also appear on digital reports)
- -Q: Is there a need for "revised" being selected manually? Or should it be programmatically determined? (updates after a "final" version have been released automatically set the state to "revised")
- Report Approval Advanced Search
- Investigation Retest
- Goes into same report that it came from
- Unlikely that you need to retest only one of multiple specimens
- Report Delivery
- TODO: Needs Report ID
- Within JSS, reports from queue are auto-delivered
- TODO: Swap order of time (move to left) and delivery time (move to right)
- TODO: Action button change from "save" to "deliver"
- Report Delivery -> View More
- Popup on top of Report Delivery Screen
- Doesn't display entire report, just a few important details
- Priting happens on this page, but can also happen from "Report Approval" page (different people do each of these functions)
- TODO: Review who has access to each page / function (front desk does "report delivery", lab manager does "report approval", etc)
- Report Delivery Advanced Search
- Paper Entry Select Lab Order
- Paper Entry Advanced Search
- Paper Entry Result Entry
- What to do if we get an order from an outside lab, and we dont have the test in our concept dictionary -> we cant enter it. But we do expect to have this info from partnered labs
- Suppose a new disease was found ... how would lab people add a new disease? Maintainance of these tables is done through OpenMRS side, via work "Lab Administration Pages"
- Identify Anonymous Specimen
- Must enter all information for the patient at some point... but dont have to do it at first (might be too slow)
- E.g. cholera outbreak ... one clerk logging specimens, another sorting through paperwork and putting in names
- Also for confidential specimen?
- Continue to provide feedback in the Lab UI Google Doc
- Make transition to developerment (Piyush to work on turning designs into ExtJS app)
- Complete the "lab order workflows" powerpoint
- Have "lab order workflows" reviewed by the lab workers and physicians