2012-04-23 Weekly Meeting

2012-04-23 Weekly Meeting


(Agenda and notes from last week’s meeting here: https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/2012-04-16+Weekly+Meeting)

Attendees: Daniel, Susan, John Stoecker, North de Pencier, Gitesh Gupta, Shuro, Roger, Satyaakam Goswami, Sathyan, Barry Levine

  • UI/UX:  
    • Weekly UI / UX meeting this past week  included John, Sathyan, Shuro, Daniel and Susan.  
    • Update from Susan Wolfe, our UI/UX lead: We're starting to get new people involved, particularly on the Out Patient Module design, looking at proceses whereby the designers formulate a process in a way to help people familiarize themselves with their goals before they start designing.  We're still at the point where we need someone to work on the visual design elements but in the meantime it's really a matter of using the tools we have to design the interfaces and fill out the common elements sheet (DropBox) and focus on work outputs. 
    • Again worth mentioning that http://graffletopia.com/search/sencha is a useful tool for designers who can quickly assemble the Sencha components both ExtJS and Touch2 to  create low fidelity prototypes in OmniGraffle.
    • We continue to need help identifying which components from Sencha & Ext JS to use for our designs: 
  • Google Summer of Code:  
    • GSoC participants are announced today! For the following steps for GSoC see: http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2012/faqs#timeline
      • Surajit Nundy: We had about ninety applications, and because we were a first time organizations we were only iven three spots by Google. We might have more next year. Nathan Leiby is credited with making this happen; he took the lead on figuring out what to prioritize this summer and Roger was an absolute rock in figureing out the requirements of the Lab module backend.  We have come up with an internship - the Raxa Summer of Code - and we would like those people who were not accepted by GSoC to participate in this. 
      • Roger Friedman (Unlicensed): We had a lot more qualified people than we were able to accommodate, and I wrote to all the good students who I'd like to keep working with, and all the 'Lab rats' who have been working on and off in the past and invited them to keep working with us whether they were accepted or not.  All these people should stay involved in our work. 
  • Twitter: Please follow us!  @Raxa_jss_emr  
  • Pruning our Lists: We have a new developers list, and so this week we are migrating over / consolidating Registration, Screener / triage, Lab, Pharmacy and OPD into one Developers list.  If you haven’t already and you want to sign up please do so  here: http://groups.google.com/group/raxa-jss-emr-developers
  • Great additions (tutorial videos) added by Gaurav Chugh to the getting started guide on the wiki: https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/diffpagesbyversion.action?pageId=5046282&originalVersion=3&revisedVersion=4
  • Office updates: John Stoecker and Saptarshi Purkayastha have each arrived to work out of our office in New Delhi. (intro’s).
  • Other
    • Google calendar.  Please join into any call you’d like throughout the week.  As of now we have regular, weekly developers calls, UI / UX design call and a project-wide call (today). See the project calendar on the front page of the wiki (now definitely public): https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Raxa+JSS+EMR 


  • Lab:  
    • Back endUpdates from Roger Friedman, who is leading the development of the Lab module’s back-end. Roger Friedman (Unlicensed): We are trying ot get everything done by the start of coding for GSoC, but it's liable to be tight because the tools for defining the REST API interface are changing somewhat and so we'll have to make modifications to all of our objects, but now we have tests for five differen objects, all of which are built and ready for testing and the only big doubt we have is for the Lab order, and that's deep in the OpenMRS process
    • Front endUpdate from Sathyan Velumani, our full time UI researcher-designer. Added paper entry, landing page, and other lab module screens.  Sathyan Velumani: Roger has been of great help and we're able to accomplish a lot over email and conference calls. If you have a chance to look at tickets on JIRA - #83 and #85 - this is Paper Entry, Landing Page and Approval Page for the Lab module, each will result in a particular PDF.
  • Pharmacy:  
    • Update from Dr Barry Levine on back end. Approach is to convert existing iDart project into OpenMRS. Converting database to MySQL. Documenting the front-end. Deciding which features to move over. Want to get rid of dependencies on Eclipse.
    • Update on design. No update from Sures and Promila. We will likely need to find new designers because they are out of India and unable to support this module at present.
  • Registration:     
    • Registration module code update from @Nathan Leiby
      • Developer meeting on Friday@ 11AM IST.
      • REST calls now working, to search for patients and add patients. This works against a local OpenMRS instance but doesn't yet work against our Jelastic test server (needs updates)
      • Touch and ExtJS version are now running. 
      • Key priorities: Completing New and Returning patient flows. Plugging front-end into back-end database (via REST apis). Adding Jasmine tests. 
      • See pull requests for updates: https://github.com/Raxa/Raxa-JSS/pulls
  • Screener Triage:  
  • Voice: Update Surajit Nundy: We've been very grateful to have been offered a voice module slot through SMUSphynx - they will host a GSoC slot for us.  Also, Manav Goel has done some very interesting and promising training on speech.  Apurv Tiwari (Unlicensed) is leading the effort on speech module and will be joining us in a week after defending his thesis. We should have a lot more updates over the summer and two more interns from IIT-Delhi. 
  • OPD: Darrian and Hyeona and Darrian and Astha have a plan going forward for future designs of the OPD module.

Other: https://github.com/organizations/Raxa/