2012-06-04 Weekly Meeting

2012-06-04 Weekly Meeting

Participants: Surajit Nundy, Nathan Leiby, John V Stoecker (Unlicensed), Daniel Pepper (Unlicensed), Barry Levine, Roger Friedman (Unlicensed), North de Pencier, Jessica Tribbe, vikas singh (Unlicensed)Martin Losse (Unlicensed)astha dhawan (Unlicensed)Sathyan Velumani
  1. General updates: 
    1. Last week's meeting is here: 2012-05-28 Weekly Meeting
    2. Nathan has made weekly meeting child pages for project wide, UI / UX, and developers meetings for the next few weeks. Please take a moment and add to the agendas ahead of the meetings.
  2. UI / UX updates:
    1. Pharmacy module design: Really great updates on the Pharmacy module this week from Durgaprasad ("DP") at Peepal Design in Bangalore, saved in DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xkzw4xolfsqra0n/PharmacyModule_V01.pdf
    2. OPD module design: astha dhawan (Unlicensed)'s updates in DropBox have grown and improved tremendously (though they were pretty good to start with). We now have two separate PDFs / flows, one just for exams.
    3. Laboratory:  Sathyan Velumani's
      1. Progress following the UI/UX reviews of version 1 of the lab screens
      2.  left hand side to be used for those searching/selecting functions (e.g., selecting the specimen, searching for the person) - results to be display on the right side (with or without the left panel depending on the number of columns in the search results page
      3. FInalize time for the next call to review the remaining screens (Result Entry, Batch Approval, Report Delivery, Report Approval, Paper Entry, Identify Anonymous Specimen)
        Dropbox Location - JSS EMR/UI UX Designs/Raxa JSS EMR UI Designs/Laboratory/Sathyan/Current
    4. Some great links to more information about our Sencha framework: 
      1. http://www.sencha.com/learn/touch/<-- touch
      2. http://www.sencha.com/learn/extjs/?4x and http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.0/examples/layout-browser/layout-browser.html<-- desktop
      3. http://www.sencha.com/conference/sessions/share2011 <-- general, longer videos 
      4. http://www.sencha.com/learn/ <- animator (for webkit animations) and architect (designer for desktop UIs)
  3. General Development updates:
    1. Nathan has created an important OpenMRS REST API page on the wiki.
    2. Raxathon! 
      1. Has its own page on our wiki: Raxathon!
      2. Began on the morning of Monday, May 28 in the Delhi office and lasted until the evening of Tuesday, May 29th.
      3. Two groups tied as winners: (1) Vishnu, Tushar, (who else?) and (2) John V Stoecker (Unlicensed)
    3. Code Sprint, next two weeks
      1. Dashboard (useful for all developers, can set as your default if you like): https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10400
      2. Goals of the code sprint:
        1. Complete patient registration
        2. See registered patients in screener module, allow assigning to doctor
        3. See assigned patients in OPD module
      3. The sprint ends June 13th. After this date, we re-assess what to do next based on our progress in the sprint and any updated requirements.
      4. Currently only a few developers working on new code sprint tickets. We are transitioning off all old tickets by end of day June 4th; to focus entirely on the sprint.
    4. IVR project.
      1. Apurv Tiwari (Unlicensed) has a great wiki: Raxa-IVR Project
    5. General developer meeting was held this past week, with the meeting notes recorded and linked to here: 2012-05-30 Developer Meeting
    6. Great improvements to the Code Style Conventions for JavaScript page
    7. GSoC updates:
      1. vikas singh (Unlicensed) has edited: User Interface for Outpatient Module : GSOC 2012
      2. Martin Losse (Unlicensed) has explored lots of possible free conferencing options
        1. Comparison of options
        2. We are testing Mumble as a possible voice server (details on Mumble setup); if you'd like to join this please contact Martin Losse (Unlicensed) or Nathan
  4. Module-specific Development news:
    1. OPD module:
      1. 2012-05-29 Outpatient UI Meeting was held to connect developers and designers in OPD.
    2. Pharmacy: 
      1. Would like to initiate conversation between Nathan and Barry Levine's team to help incorporate pharmacy development within Raxa. 
  5. Other 
    1. Funding – should begin some discussions between Surajit Nundy, Daniel Pepper (Unlicensed), Barry Levine, others