2012-06-04 Weekly Meeting
2012-06-04 Weekly Meeting
Participants: Surajit Nundy, Nathan Leiby, John V Stoecker (Unlicensed), Daniel Pepper (Unlicensed), Barry Levine, Roger Friedman (Unlicensed), North de Pencier, Jessica Tribbe, vikas singh (Unlicensed), Martin Losse (Unlicensed), astha dhawan (Unlicensed), Sathyan Velumani
- General updates:
- Last week's meeting is here: 2012-05-28 Weekly Meeting
- Nathan has made weekly meeting child pages for project wide, UI / UX, and developers meetings for the next few weeks. Please take a moment and add to the agendas ahead of the meetings.
- UI / UX updates:
- Pharmacy module design: Really great updates on the Pharmacy module this week from Durgaprasad ("DP") at Peepal Design in Bangalore, saved in DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xkzw4xolfsqra0n/PharmacyModule_V01.pdf
- OPD module design: astha dhawan (Unlicensed)'s updates in DropBox have grown and improved tremendously (though they were pretty good to start with). We now have two separate PDFs / flows, one just for exams.
- Laboratory: Sathyan Velumani's
- Progress following the UI/UX reviews of version 1 of the lab screens
- left hand side to be used for those searching/selecting functions (e.g., selecting the specimen, searching for the person) - results to be display on the right side (with or without the left panel depending on the number of columns in the search results page
- FInalize time for the next call to review the remaining screens (Result Entry, Batch Approval, Report Delivery, Report Approval, Paper Entry, Identify Anonymous Specimen)
Dropbox Location - JSS EMR/UI UX Designs/Raxa JSS EMR UI Designs/Laboratory/Sathyan/Current
- Some great links to more information about our Sencha framework:
- http://www.sencha.com/learn/touch/<-- touch
- http://www.sencha.com/learn/extjs/?4x and http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.0/examples/layout-browser/layout-browser.html<-- desktop
- http://www.sencha.com/conference/sessions/share2011 <-- general, longer videos
- http://www.sencha.com/learn/ <- animator (for webkit animations) and architect (designer for desktop UIs)
- General Development updates:
- Nathan has created an important OpenMRS REST API page on the wiki.
- Raxathon!
- Has its own page on our wiki: Raxathon!
- Began on the morning of Monday, May 28 in the Delhi office and lasted until the evening of Tuesday, May 29th.
- Two groups tied as winners: (1) Vishnu, Tushar, (who else?) and (2) John V Stoecker (Unlicensed)
- Code Sprint, next two weeks
- Dashboard (useful for all developers, can set as your default if you like): https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10400
- Goals of the code sprint:
- Complete patient registration
- See registered patients in screener module, allow assigning to doctor
- See assigned patients in OPD module
- The sprint ends June 13th. After this date, we re-assess what to do next based on our progress in the sprint and any updated requirements.
- Currently only a few developers working on new code sprint tickets. We are transitioning off all old tickets by end of day June 4th; to focus entirely on the sprint.
- IVR project.
- Apurv Tiwari (Unlicensed) has a great wiki: Raxa-IVR Project
- General developer meeting was held this past week, with the meeting notes recorded and linked to here: 2012-05-30 Developer Meeting
- Great improvements to the Code Style Conventions for JavaScript page
- GSoC updates:
- vikas singh (Unlicensed) has edited: User Interface for Outpatient Module : GSOC 2012
- Martin Losse (Unlicensed) has explored lots of possible free conferencing options
- Comparison of options
- We are testing Mumble as a possible voice server (details on Mumble setup); if you'd like to join this please contact Martin Losse (Unlicensed) or Nathan
- Module-specific Development news:
- OPD module:
- 2012-05-29 Outpatient UI Meeting was held to connect developers and designers in OPD.
- Pharmacy:
- Would like to initiate conversation between Nathan and Barry Levine's team to help incorporate pharmacy development within Raxa.
- OPD module:
- Other
- Funding – should begin some discussions between Surajit Nundy, Daniel Pepper (Unlicensed), Barry Levine, others