2012-07-23 Weekly Meeting

2012-07-23 Weekly Meeting

PARTICIPANTS:   John, Susan, Daniel, Shuro, Piyush, Naveen, Sharayu, Jessica, Barry, Alok, Nathan, Joy, DP and Sathyan.

  1. General project updates
    1. Privacy / security working group had its first conference call this past week, 2012-07-18 Privacy meeting, with Surajit Nundy, Michael Tschantz, Nathan Leiby, John V Stoecker, Prasanth, Sathyan VelumaniDaniel Pepper, Jessica Tribbe.
    2. We said goodbye to a few interns last week and will say goodbye to a few more this week.
      1. Some interns may be able to join us for term-time projects in development and design 
    3. Introducing Sharayu, new liason at JSS who filling the position previously held by Sunil

    4. Slow but steady progress improving www.raxa.org
      1. raxa.org server issues ... mysql dropouts

  2. UI / UX updates:
    1. Update from Susan
      1. Trying to find a better time for UI/UX call so that more people can attend
      2. Still need to work on getting some of the common elements sorted out so that there's general cross-module consistency where appropriate
        1. "common elements" are shared interactions / components, and we want them to be consistent
          1. e.g. "how we edit rows in tables"
        2. capturing screenshots would help make use/look more obvious (keep them in a GoogleDocs presentation/powerpoint, for easy access)

    2. Hyeona has completed the Screener / Triage module style guide: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k1501kmc4iotlkj/120722_JSS_Screener_styleguide.pdf 
    3. Jamie Still, a front-end developer in San Francisco, has agreed to help hack up the front end of the Screener / Triage module
    4. New designs from DP on Registration and Pharmacy modules.
      1. Aiming to wrap up these designs by end-of-week
    5. Hyeona will work on the OPD module next, together with Naveen.
      1. Naveen has finished set of designs for OPD
    6. Updates from Sathyan Velumani on the In Patient Module and Radiology modules:
      1. Victor Cortes has agreed to create designs for his OpenMRS Radiology module in ExtJS
      2. Working on IPD documentation - will have a draft end of day.
    7. Design process: Possible use of the tool http://www.bounceapp.com/about
    8. Don't forget: All designers must include (1) cover on their designs with updates about what changed from previous version (2) notes / annotations on how interactions flow from screen to screen.

  3. Development
    1. Recruitment and Hiring
      1. Hiring new developers in India
        1. We have postings on Naukri and are contacting people via LinkedIn. If you know other good places to find developers (meetups, sites, etc), or are interested in working with us, please let us know!
      2. Recruiting volunteer developers
      3. We aim to re-instate the developer's call soon, at a time convenient to all participants
      4. Possible regular Bay-area meetup for volunteers
        1. Barry Levine (Unlicensed) able to help organize?
    2. General development update from John V Stoecker and Nathan Leiby
      1. Nathan edited the Device Preference by Module and Styling Sencha Touch and ExtJS pages
      2. John edited the Building the Raxacore Module and Adding it to OpenMRS page
    3. Patient facing module: 
      1. back-end ... needs mentorship from Raxa developers
      2. Should join our Design call (Tuesday IST) to help align with other modules
      3. Niyati may be able to continue design as a school project
      4. demo: patient-facing.github.com (or vishrut.github.com is the same)

    4. Pharmacy
      1. Patient Queue complete, prescription page nearly complete
      2. Back end: RaxaAlert halfway complete, Drug Group table finished
      3. Amarjeet's IIT team has agreed to work on projects for course credit during the next semester
      4. Barry has team meeting on Jul 24th
      5. OpenMRS+PIH development of Pharmacy (Ampath) – how can we share work?
        1. Video link
    5. Lab module update
      1. Piyush Madan
        1. Working on Paper Entry
          1. List of Lab Order on left (as reusable component) is implemented
          2. Clicking a particular laborder takes to final page
          3. Final Page Grid is showing data in desired format
        2. Working on document which lists all resources needed for other submodules of Lab
        3. Gave Presentation on Raxa Modules (Raxa-EMR v2.1.pdf) to OpenMRS Devs on 2012-07-19
    6. CHW:
      1. Redesigning the module based on the updated User Stories by Sathyan.
        1. New screens with family centered organization in regards to list display & visit appearance
        2. Mostly done with new screens, just working on navigational functionality
        3. Trying to get more information from CHWs at JSS, call scheduled for this week
      2. Try to get the device camera functioning with the application.
      3. Add resources for guiding future developers.
      4. Wednesday meeting with Sharayu for Q&A on CHW use cases
      5. Meeting this week with Shuro and Nathan discuss end-goals Alok and Joy's summer project
    7. Registration
      1. Working through CORS errors for creating patient ID's using IDGen module
    8. Screener
      1. Working on UI for pharmacy order/assign patients pages
    9. OPD
      1. No updates
    10. IVR / Voice
    11. Radiology
      1. From Juan David Pastas (Unlicensed)
        1. Images would be saved (and returned) by dcm4chee.
        2. What we develop is going to show two panels:
          1. OpenMRS configuration, where the user puts the IP address of OpenMRS server
          2. dcm4chee configuration, where the user user puts any required IP address/es and ports
          after that, Radiology module would communicate over HTTP or DICOM (with OpenMRS or dcm4chee) to make a CRUD over patients, orders and observations.
        3. We are not going to use any part of the previous radiology module. 
        4. Note: As what we are doing is a middleware that communicates in HTTP and DICOM, is independent of the programming language we use, in this point I would like to use Rails.
      2. Will use Osirix/Oviyam/Weasis depending on which device we are using
      3. From John V Stoecker (Unlicensed):
        1. Determined that saving images on file system is best solution for now.
        2. Juan + Maria (new developer for Radiology back end) are still determining how best to connect dcm4chee radiology server to OpenMRS.