2012-04-30 Weekly Meeting
Attendees: Roger Friedman, Satyhan Velumani, Susan Wolfe, Barry Levine, Martin Gielow, Shuro Nundy, Daniel Pepper
- UI/UX:
- Weekly UI / UX meeting this past week included John, Daniel and Sathyan, discussing how to manage the divying up of Lab tasks. Otherwise we have the following:
- Bandon working on ‘Style sheet’
- Hyeona working on the Out Patient Department module UI, in conversation with Darrian and Susan
- Gio working on putting the Screener / Triage module designs together in OmniGraffle
- Update from Susan Wolfe, our UI/UX lead
- UI / UX tools:
- http://graffletopia.com/search/sencha is a useful tool for designers who can quickly assemble the Sencha components both ExtJS and Touch2 to create low fidelity prototypes in OmniGraffle.
- Kitchen Sink (to get an idea of possible elements)http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/examples/production/kitchensink/
- Sencha Components (See "list of xtypes")http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2-0/#!/guide/components-section-5
- ExtJS (see list of xtypes):http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0/#!/api/Ext.Component
- Weekly UI / UX meeting this past week included John, Daniel and Sathyan, discussing how to manage the divying up of Lab tasks. Otherwise we have the following:
- Google Summer of Code:
- GSoC participants are announced:
- Piyush Madan - Registration, Outpatient Department & Laboratory Module; Mentor - Surajit Nundy.
- Martin - Lab Administration Pages; Mentor - Roger Friedman; Lab admin pages, it’s what drives the meta-data; it works on the OpenMRS side.
- Vikas Singh - User Interface for Outpatient Module; Mentor - Nathan Leiby
- GSoC participants are announced:
- Development:
- We have a new developers list, and we continue to migrate over and consolidate our Registration, Screener / triage, Lab, Pharmacy and OPD module lists into one Developers list. If you haven’t already, and you want to, please sign up here:http://groups.google.com/group/raxa-jss-emr-developers
- This past Tuesday we had a design discussion on login and role-privilege across apps. Documented wonderfully by Saptarshi Purkayastha, here https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/browse/TODO-22 Please add, edit, expand as you see fit.
- Project timeline! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgHYCqtQcs9tdFBwQThhdU1rRjFybzl0MFdpVml1RUE
- Developers meeting was pushed back this week. We’ll be meeting just after the Sunday / Monday conf call to discuss a host of issues, in particular tickets.
- Office updates:
- John Stoecker and Saptarshi Purkayastha have each arrived to work out of our office in New Delhi.
- Nathan is back in the States for a short break.
- IIT-Delhi students Tushar Bansal and Vishnu P S offered internships to work out of the Hauz Khas Village office for the summer.
- Other:
- Google calendar. Please join into any call you’d like throughout the week. As of now we have regular, weekly developers calls, UI / UX design call and a project-wide call (today). See the project calendar on the front page of the wiki (now definitely public): https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Raxa+JSS+EMR
- Saptarshi has put together three extremely helpful documents on the wiki: (1) ‘How to Commit Code’ (2) ‘Coding Standards’ and (3) Code Style Conventions for Java Script
- Please follow us on Twitter! @raxa_jss_emr
- Lab:
- Back end: Updates from Roger Friedman, who is leading the development of the Lab module’s back-end.
- Front end: Update from Sathyan Velumani, our full time UI researcher-designer, has created new tickets with designs embedded (in JIRA):
- Report Delivery https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/browse/RAXAJSS-89
- Landing Page https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/browse/RAXAJSS-90
- Pharmacy:
- Update from Dr Barry Levine on back end.
- Update on design. We expect that Sathyan will take this forward.
- Registration:
- Registration module code update from Nathan (links?)
- Registration module code update from Nathan (links?)
- Screener / Triage:
- Update from Nathan or Saptarshi on the progress with the code for the Screener / Triage module
- Update from Nathan or Saptarshi on the progress with the code for the Screener / Triage module
- Voice: Update from either Apurv Tiwari or Dr. Shuro Nundy
- OPD: Darrian and Hyeona and Darrian and Astha have a plan going forward for future designs of the OPD module.