2012-08-28 UI/UX Meeting
2012-08-28 UI/UX Meeting
Things to discuss
- Use of Panels vs INLINE forms?
OPD Wireframes.pptx
Agreement on using of Panes for treatment tab. - Examination Tab
OPD v4.7.1_examination.pdf
We need to consider ways to categorize the extensive list items for individual categories such as HEENT, HEART (alphabetical order)
- Task Flows and Representative Screens for Nurse's Module of IPD
IPD-OT Task Flows v2.0.pdf
- Spec: https://raxaemr.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RAXAJSS/Billing+Module+Functional+Spec
- Design: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k76uw8rgdbsell8/billing.pdf
- Questions to answer
- Do we have an interface inside Billing Module which lets the user search patient through their names? (considering the PRIVACY issue?)
This is relevant to other modules as well where a certain task becomes a function of a specific module and isn't available in the other modules?
- Do we have an interface inside Billing Module which lets the user search patient through their names? (considering the PRIVACY issue?)
- Quick Review of the Billing module to be done
- Standard ways of searching patient (Pharmacy Designs) needs to be incorporated across modules
To be discussed later
- Tab order
- Terminology/gloassary
- Top banner contents