2012-09-17 Weekly Meeting

PARTICIPANTS: Shuro, Susan, Piyush, Daniel, Apurv, John, Sathyan

General issues

  • We will be traveling to JSS to demo and deploy several core modules (Registration, Screener, Outpatient, Pharmacy), starting this week.
  • Possible new conferencing tool "LiveMinutes", which supports Skype and Phone call-in, file sharing, and an attractive UI. Try it out and see if we might use it in the future: http://liveminutes.com/en/help/getting-started

UI / UX issues


Development issues

  • New Documentation / meetings
  • Modules
    • General
      • Sidhi has added navigation menu to move between modules
    • Registration - chief complaint and posting attributes added
    • Screener - completed support for adding vitals in the Screener
    • Pharmacy - inventory management, prescriptions, and alerts added
    • Outpatient - added support for auto-complete in Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment tabs
      • using standardized options from OpenMRS MVP-CIEL concept dictionary for Raxa EMR. These in turn are drawn from SNOMED, ICD10, and other standards
      • performance challenges, when lookup is on list of 36000+ possible concepts items
    • Lab
      • No updates. Blocked because we don't have labPanel concepts imported into 1.9.
    • Radiology
      • Conference Call with Juan and Carmen to discuss state of development
    • Privacy/Security
    • IVR
      • many minor bug fixes. Java TCP connection bug reported to Oracle.
      • If someone noticed raxavoice@gmail.com unavilable, it's google's fault (smile) Reconnected it with Europe 's talk server.