2012-09-26 Feedback from JSS Visit
Participants: Piyush Madan (Unlicensed), Sathyan Velumani, Nathan Leiby (Unlicensed)
Registration feedback
New Patient:
1st page...
add new field "religion" : hindu, christian, unknown
remove engineering, medical, bank
add goverment employee, housewife, other
remove radio field "contact me via phone"
birthdate and age
-fields need to be connected
-what if person writes 6 months
change text "residential area" -> "gram panchayat"
tehsil -> autocomplete ... options for autocomplete exist in current reg system.. but also need to allow flexible entry
district, etc... can be autocompleted from tehsil ... Chattisgarh (default)
state (dropdown) -> list of states in India
-> if auto-suggested.. should it be forced?
"confirmation page"
add ability to go back and return to first page, with fields filled
possibly, allow click to change text to edit box
"illness details"
just "chief complaint" and then "registration fees".
can remove all other fields
remove up/down on registration
All fields should have logic regarding capitalization
e.g. even if you enter first name in lowercase, auto-capitalize the first letter
what about for address, etc
(!) Alert for suspicious fields (even if VALID)...
for example, a phone number that doesnt follow the normal format
weight they always enter, height sometimes (for chronic patients like TB)
printing... too many steps
"print card" -> "continue to print" -> "google chrome dialog" -> "system dialog"
always hide "continue to print" button, even if person presses Ctrl+P
hide google chrome print dialog? save options and have to configure them elsewhere
always creating a new patient, auto-return to "create new patient" by default. or after searching, auto-return to search. (people generally repeat the same task)
idea: Shortcuts
to go to next /prev page (e.g. ctrl+n (next), ctrl+b (back))
to take a photo (ctrl+i)
create new patient / search patients
display via tooltips, or very clearly in UI
"?" brings up shortcuts in google chrome
idea: recently registered patients (queue, alert, popup)
Overall Feedback!
*Exporting / viewing data (for example, Registration data into an Excel, into charts)
*PATIENT IMAGE in registration is very desired.
*Printing costs. Do we want to print on top of an existing card (use existing cards, print just the fields on top of them (pat id, date, emr reg id, etc)