2012-09-29 Patient Image Intro meeting with NYU

2012-09-29 Patient Image Intro meeting with NYU

Participants: Abhinav Mathur, Kunal Modi, Vivek Viswanathan, Surajit NundyNathan Leiby (Unlicensed)

Overview: Discussed scope of the "patient image" module work, to be done throughout the fall semester by students at NYU. There are 3 aims (1) a proof of concept that takes a photo and stores in openMRS (2) abstracting to a more flexible "plugin" approach, which can be used across many modules (taking/displaying photos) (3) algorithmic image analysis.


Overall Goals

LEVEL 1: Taking basic images

1) taking images of photos when a patient registers
2) doctor taking images of lesion, injury
3) Community health worker takes image of tumor, etc... sends for remote consultation

more open-ended vision for images also could allow:
4) taking / scanning images of old patient records
5) scanning / saving radiology images

Please continue to brainstorm use cases.

LEVEL 2: Flexible Plugin, Adding and Categorizing images for different areas of EMR

categorizing images appropriately

analyzing images systematically, algorithms


First goals:

  • Assist with getting dev environment setup.. Sencha, github
  • Build a phone app capable of taking a photo, labeling it appropriately, and saving (as a blob?) in OpenMRS database.

Existing technologies, interface to the system

  • building in sencha and extjs
  • this project should focus on mobile, first (~"vanilla Instagram")
  • REST Webservices connect to OpenMRS 
  • "patient image" REST service / back-end
    • Need to investigate status of this
    • Likely this is how you'll persist your images
  • OpenMRS acts as backend, database