2012-10-05 Reporting Module

2012-10-05 Reporting Module

Participants: Team Berkeley (Stephanie Ge, Christina Wong, Dan Wang, erictzeng (Unlicensed)Seshadri Mahalingam (Unlicensed)), Surajit Nundy, John Stoecker, Nathan Leiby (Unlicensed)


  • review pen and paper mockups and storyboards
    • https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w2ae8sjetkldfss/QFw6RpXmTQ/Mockups
    • Pharmacy
    • Screener
      • consider simpler visualizations, don't overload?
      • one important goal is to understand the workload for a given doctor, as well as the estimated wait time for assigned patients
    • Registration
      •  Where to put this visualization? It eventually could be a dashboard, included on the side of existing pages, or as a lightbox ("popup", ish).  For the information of 'how long is it taking to register the current patient', could experiment with varying levels of presence (not as "in your face", simply shown at top right, might be a good balance between helpfulness and added stress).
      • Might want to show a history of specific patients registered today .. this is useful for retrieving records, but also might be useful to show time arrived, time to register, whether they've been screened, etc.
    • Admin
      • Really helpful would be to show the "journey of a patient" through the hospital.. Which areas take the longest to get through?
        • A canonical journey is ... (Arrive) -> Registration -> Screener -> Outpatient -> Lab (test, wait for results...) -> Outpatient (diagnosis, prescribe treatment)-> Pharmacy -> Billing -> (Exit)
      • Would be nice to be able to find patients who are getting "stuck". 
        • Suppose a patient is waiting for a particular area much longer than average (e.g. OPD avg wait time is 2 hour, this patient has waited 4), then highlight these patients so someone can intervene and assist
      • Would also be interesting to visualize the load on varying areas in the hospital
        • Is it possible to show, at differing times in the day, the amount of work in different areas of the hospital.
          • registration -> all patients being registered from 8 to 10am, and then a few from 10 to noon? then nothing?
          • lab -> are all tests coming in at one time? would it be helpful to spread them out?
        • I can imagine something like a bubble for each area, of changing size, 

  • record a short 2-minute interview where we discuss goals
    • done
  • discuss technology
    • what you plan to use in your prototypes
    • what we're using currently
      • Sencha Touch (phone, tablet)
      • ExtJS (desktop)
      • OpenMRS (backend database), accessed via REST
    • how we might ultimately tie it together
      • RoR makes calls to OpenMRS via REST, retrieves a JSON with relevant data. 
      • Present a dynamic JavaScript page that includes relevant graphics for different hospital areas
      • This JS page eventually could be a dashboard, included on the side of existing pages, or as a lightbox ("popup", ish). 
        • For now, it might run in a separate window, and simply poll and display the relevant data.
  • questions from Team Berkeley:
    • What data can we use as test data to develop with?
      • figure out the relevant parameters to create your graphs, rules, etc
        • you should figure out the format you want your data in, make some fake data
      • we can either
        • 1) create test data, probably in json format, as if it were being exposed via REST calls from OpenMRS
        • 2) may be able to anonymize real data from JSS for use in development
    • Should we aim for a consistent feel with existing Raxa modules? Are there examples available?
      • demo
        • demo.raxa.org 
        • demo.raxa.org -> registration (desktop)
        • demo.raxa.org -> screener (touch)
        • demo.raxa.org -> pharmacy (desktop)
      • we can share design style guides, probably not useful until a later stage