Raxa-JSS Registration (Design Page)

Raxa-JSS Registration (Design Page)

The registration design page hosts the different design ideas for the Raxa-JSS Registration Module. This includes User Stories, Data Model, Services, Forms, UX components etc.

User Stories (Registration)

There are two types of users who can use the Registration module for registering patients:

  • Registration Clerk - A person who registers patients, relatives or care-receivers into the system
  • Data Manager - A person who supervises/analyzes the data entries from the system
Registration Clerk User Stories
  1. Registration Clerk logs into the system and sees a patient registration screen
  2. Registration Clerk gives token to people in the token queue
  3. Registration Clerk takes down the basic details of the patient (Name, age, gender)... On every entry (keypress for name, age or gender) a search is made to list the number of common matches, which should decrease the number of matches. If matches remain, a list of matching patients should be shown from which a patient should be selected for the incoming patient
  4. Registration Clerk notes down other person attributes after confirming the correct patient
  5. Registration Clerk saves the patient and prints out the details on a registration card (or UPDATES ONLY). Either existing card if existing patient or new card for new patient
  6. ...
Data Manager User Stories
  1. The Data Manager logs into the system and sees the Reporting screen
  2. The Data Manager can look at the usage statistics of the registration clerk
  3. The Data Manager will look at reports for Patient Registration (New Patients, Old Patients, Referral, Category of Patients, etc. - MORE LISTING NEEDED)
  4. The Data Manager should be able to create messages for Registration Clerks on changes to registration or comments for analysis of the entered data.

JSSFrontOffice-UserStory-V1 0.docx

Data Model (Registration)


Services (Registration)

Forms (Registration)

UX Design (Registration)