Work Done In Summer - Vishnu Sivan

Work Done In Summer - Vishnu Sivan

Work task completed

  • worked on creating groups and putting drugs to each group
  • worked on sending encounters when a patient is registered, screened and has visited the pharmacy
  • worked on editable grid panels with combo boxes for each grid
  • worked on views for pharmacy module

skills learned

  • sencha (touch & extjs)
  • openmrs
  • rest calls
  • using github to  share code

lessons or blockers learned

  • first lesson learned was not to use associations with 'localStorage' . Had to spend much time learning associations and figure out how to change the store of a grid on the fly and refresh the the grid when data is updated
  • another major blocker was how to avoid some fields in store not be sent to server while post call. that done using "persist = false".
  • the "persist: false"  did not work in 'touch' when there was nesting involved, so had to  remove the extra nested fields to send encounters in the screener module
  • learned a great deal about grids and how to use stores and models with them

Plans for future - non till date...:s

Had an awesome experience. Met some amazing guys. But the best thing was the after hour lan games