Work done over the summers - Piyush Dane
Work done over the summers - Piyush Dane
Work Task Completed
- worked on drug dispensed view of pharmacy module
- worked on patient registration n patient search screen of registrationextjs4 module
- worked on pharmacy orders posting in screener module
- worked on patient queues for today n last seven days in prescription view of pharmacy module
- worked on advanced search for drug orders in pharmacy module
- worked on lab module to make dynamic grid panels for different grid panels
- worked on CSS for screener module
skills/technologies learn-
- sencha.
- making rest calls.
- about openmrs
- googling things in better way
- CSS and SCSS
- some other non-technical skills B-).
Lessons learned or major blockers overcom-
- one of the major blocker i faced initially was not able to load the json store in jasmine test file.. to do this u have to run your app in different server then netbeans apache tomcat.
- another major blocker was how to avoid some fields in store not be sent to server while post call. that done using "persist = false".
- crashing of server again n again was another very big blocker to overcome this install your own standalone version of opemmrs.
- changing the data in store after the post or get calls.
- attaching the store to grids n lists.
Plans for the future - no plans as such for now, school starting soon so everthing will depend on the work load we will having there.
Had a awesome experience here, learned a lot many things, very glad to spend summers working here. Playing CS or AOE after the office timing with poeple here was fun.
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