Summer Internship - Alok Sharma
Summer Internship - Alok Sharma
Initiated and worked on the Community Health Worker (CHW) Module.
Tasks overview
- Coordinated with the doctors and volunteers at JSS to formulate detailed user stories, based on which features and functionalities of the module were decided.
- Sencha touch views created for login, viewing patients, registering patients, managing inventory, views for audio-visual resources and for viewing the patient history.
- Addressed connectivity limitations of the user base of the application. This included caching patient details when registered, caching pre-fetched patient data and the ability to log in without connectivity.
- Worked with syncing data with the OpenMRS backend. Rest calls were made for fetching and posting patient details.
- Worked on Motech, a backend module which aimed at providing SMS alerts and pill reminders for mobile clients.
- Ported the Sencha touch application to Android using Apache Cordova (a.k.a Phonegap).
Technologies used
- Sencha Touch 2
- Rest calls with OpenMRS
- Git
- Cordova/Phonegap
- Linux
- Amazon EC2 server
- Installing the Motech platform on a server. Since this platform is still in its early years and is under development, it initially had a steep learning curve and required proficiency in using the Linux environment.
- Enabling the device camera to take pictures and use them in the application.
Future plans - Completing my final year at College and prepare for the oncoming campus recruitments, after chilling on the beach of course. I hope to keep contributing to this project in the future.
Given the experience gained and techniques learnt in using numerous technoligies, I consider my Summer at Raxa a success. Had a great time working and coordinating with such skilled people from various parts of the World. I hope to stay in contact with each one. Thanks a lot.
, multiple selections available,