How To Add Translations to Raxa-JSS modules
How To Add Translations to Raxa-JSS modules
Steps to add translations to Raxa-JSS module using the i18n library:
- Copy the i18n library to the lib folder.
Link to the library : https://github.com/Raxa/Ext.i18n.Bundle - In the app.js (for each module) give path mapping as follows:Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled: true,paths: {'Ext.i18n': 'lib/i18n' //Mention the relevant path to the i18n library over here.}});
- Instantiate an instance of i18n bundle to be usable across a module as follows in the app.js of the respective module.(read convention, where bundle is name of the .properties file; lang is locale; path is filepath). So the file should be called a default RaxaEmr.properties and a lang version RaxaEmr_en-US.properties (say for en-US) . For registration it will be RaxaEmr.Registration_en-US.properties
Code to instantiate:Ext.require('Ext.i18n.Bundle', function(){Ext.i18n.appBundle = Ext.create('Ext.i18n.Bundle',{bundle: 'RaxaEmr',lang: 'en-US',path: 'app/view', //For loginnoCache: true});}); - Suppose you wanted to change the 'Please login' text from Login.js main app view. You'd replace the title for the fieldset as follows:Ext.i18n.appBundle.getMsg('RaxaEmr.view.Login.title'),
- In the RaxaEmr_en-US.properties file, the mapping would be like this:
RaxaEmr.view.Login.title=Please Login - You can add comments to the .properties file by preceding the comment with a #
eg. # This is a comment.
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