Lessons Learned from Registration Sprint

Lessons Learned from Registration Sprint

After completing the first Code Sprint (2 weeks dedicated to working on the registration module; Feb 12-26, 2012), we wanted to review lessons learned. This page will also be updated in response to the anonymous feedback form (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEllNThXa0oxRnhVQmdWSU00UGhkZFE6MQ#gid=0).

  1. Introductions are important -- let's make sure everyone introduces themselves at the start of first scrum
  2. Stating goals and restating goals are important
  3. Posting documentation / links to documentation / guides really helps
  4. Examples of completed code really help
  5. Simple step-by-step guides for where to commit, how to commit, when to commit, etc helps
  6. At end of sprint, ask for feedback (anonymous)
  7. Send links out on the bottom of daily scrum emails.
  8. Send minutes from scrum and other meetings, to ensure people can keep up via email if they can't make the meetings
  9. Collect helpful links/resources on the Wiki.
  10. When you have a technical question, if you've tried several approaches and are still stuck, send an email to the listserv. This gives people to read your question, think/research, and respond. No question is a bad question ... if something is preventing you from making progress, others want to help unblock you.
  11. Consider duration of sprint and frequency of check-ins. 2 weeks might have been too fast, especially with time spent to learn Sencha during this first sprint.
  12. Hard to attend scrum every day even without time to make progress
  13. Need to clarify main integration points between people's work. 
  14. Should re-evaluate our framework choice (Sencha) and review our requirements for a framework. (difficulty level? hard to enter project? )