Disease Templating

Disease Templating

Creation of template forms for a spectrum of diseases and patient types doctors encounter, to save time, standardize and ensure a baseline of care, etc.  (This would be a significant an expansion of the disease template forms JSS already has in place (for TB, HIV, Diabetes, RHD, Sickle cell, etc).  Doctors want to (a) save time and (b) interact with devices as little as possible.  The key to this is having pre-filled forms that indicate a 'normal' exam for a patient, and enter deviations from the norm as and when necessary.  Integrating this with clinical decision support is crucial.  This isn't easy, because different systems have different standards of care and physicians of different specialists – and more importantly within the same speciality – often disagree about what information ought to be presented for a given disease, and what should be prioritized, etc. )
Needs groups to research, prototype, and early stage design for different diseases and patient types (e.g. a form for pregnant women).
Some things we need.

1) The templates from a medical perspective ... how similar / different are they? Are they just forms and checkboxes? also pictures? also <other>? We can start by writing up templates on paper and then begin to consider how to digitize them and what other potential that allows for
<-- doctors
2) A tool/builder/xml file/whatever where users can build these templates. They probably should be buildable, editabled, customizeable by someone fairly non-technical
<-- software developers + designers + doctors 
3) The ability to save the data gathered from these forms (into OpenMRS, etc)
<-- software developers
4) The ability to display the data gathered from these forms (in a meaningful, contextually relevant way)
<-- doctors + designers

Would be interesting to consider how this applies at JSS vs a small clinic vs a large hospital... how are the forms same/different for a disease depending on the setting?