Google Code-In 2012

Google Code-In 2012


We are excited to have you join our team in building free and open healthcare software! 


Code-In Task List

A growing ongoing list of our tasks is posted here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgoidWXEgNDgdGN1Vk1xVHhyNHNuYXJZZ0doNHpsSlE#gid=0

Closer to the code-in's start, we'll transition to using Google's system to manage our tasks, instead.


Getting Started Guide for Students

  1. Introduce yourself
    1. Join our "Contributors" Google Group
    2. Write an email to the "Contributors" group (raxa-jss-emr-contributors@googlegroups.com) telling who you are, where you're from, why you're interested, and what you might like to do
  2. Join and participate in our task-list
    1. Request access to the Google Doc, so that you can edit
    2. comment on the tasks that interest you, ask questions
  3. Learn more about Raxa and JSS
  4. See a demo of our system in action


Getting Started Guide for Mentors

  1. Add your name to the list of mentors on this page.
  2. Ensure that you're signed up for email from the "Contributors" Google Group
  3. Join and participate in our task-list
    1. Request access to the Google Doc, so that you can edit
    2. Create tasks, and note yourself under the people
    3. Comment on the tasks that interest you, ask questions
  4. Create tasks. A good task has the following properties:
    1. Your name and contact info are listed in the "mentors" tab.
    2. The task name conveys a concise, specific todo. 
    3. The task description should be actionable. A student should see and understand one or more steps to be completed.
    4. Small. Most tasks should be feasible to complete in a few hours.
    5. Limited ramp-up. Students shouldn't have to learn quirks of our system.