FAQ for Developers

FAQ for Developers

1. What kind of format developer want to get for the style guideline (e.g. Indesign, photoshop, or PDF file?
---PDF is best for now. Ideally a developer would just be able to look at the design, and clearly see the function of each button/list

2. Do I need make design guideline for Landscape mode as well? 
--We haven't started thinking about this...is designing a landscape mode something necessary that would add a lot of functionality to parts of a module? I don't believe so at this time

3. What kind of design assets developers need at the most?
--Ideally we would have a screen for every component we need to develop.

4. We're going to build with UI/ Icons that already made in Sancha. If there're many different design style, I'd like to see/ choose the one it's fit to JSS and develop style guide from this. (it's quite important at this moment. )
--I agree, right now I believe most of the designs are focusing on the UX aspect, and we are probably ready to begin the actual final UI design