2012-06-15 Org. Management Meeting

2012-06-15 Org. Management Meeting

  1. Patient Privacy: Jessica contacted 4 people so far to try and learn more about India’s new privacy legislation. Just got some promising info from one person, which I will share
    1. Medical Privacy Conference in Pune, 30 June
    2. Shuro suggests creating white paper on Raxa’s stance
    3. @Daniel - Lets get a working timeline for this in terms of additional research, rough outline, detailed outline, rough draft, advanced draft, final draft
    4. what information do we not have? what scope and scale for a White Paper on privacy would be appropriate?  Action Item: Jessica: Collect all information and come up with timeline
  2. Raxa.org/Facebook/Twitter:  Jessica has been making updates to these in terms of adding and organizing content, but still need to do the following:
    1. Need help with design/structure of the website! find micro volunteer
      1. Sparked?
      2. try asking our UI / UX list? Action Item Jessica email UI/UX and contributor lists
    2. @daniel - Lets aim to have a certain # of posts on twitter a day, retweets a day. photos are always good. Action Item: Jessica: start this week and decide what is manageable
    3. Job postings? ask Nathan
      1. more from Nathan, Shuro, John..
      2. follow up with Naukri
      3. follow up with OpenMRS (Michael? ) and Andy Kanter about whether they know people who might be interested
    4. More, better quality photos
      1. contact photographers / photojournalists who might be able to help Action Item Daniel will start looking into this
      2. foreground the good quality photos we have from Tom Petrasik (sp?) Action item: Follow up?
    5. More blog posts, may need a little help to write them
      1. idea: rotating blog posts?
      2. guest bloggers? Daniel had a backlog of these saved, Shuro has posted many of these already

        3. Fundraising: Jessica created a spreadsheet of contacts and prospects and started doing some research. Need to do the following:
    1. Create easy one-pager we can send to new contacts (maybe something in lieu of Raxa.org while we continue cleaning it up?)
    2. work with Shuro and Daniel to update spreadsheet and prioritize follow up Action Item: Follow up with EI
    3. make a priority list of who we will collaborate with ideally

4. Running meetings:Some tips on Jhana, still need to look into the other things.

    1. suggest we start having one-on-one meetings on a twice-weekly basis between Jessica and everyone else in office. short (10 min max) check-ins where she can get ideas and help troubleshoot.
    2. silent meetings for developers-- get on skype together, type out what you have to say... action items are searchable
    3. walking meetings in Deer Park when the weather cools

      5. Documentation:
    1. We need to beef up / edit this as-yet-unnamed 20+ page document we've used from time to time to let people know about our project Action item: Prepare document for Saturday JSS meeting
    2. Suggestion (@Daniel): a series of one-page PDFs that introduce / explain each module according to the following set of parameters: Action item: Jessica will start google doc template
      1. Summary of modules one-pagers
      2. How each fits into the global
      3. How / what the technology being used
      4. People involved / working on it / in charge
      5. Timeline for completion (GANTT chart?) for beta testing v1.0, piloting, implementation and scale
      6. Benefits (stand alone and with the rest of the system)
      7. Background
      8. Challenges we're overcoming
      9. Design factors
      10. Human factors
      11. What we're doing unique / for the first time
      12. Scale – how, where, opportunities, etc.
    3. We need something like this for Vodaphone (CHW module) and would benefit vis--a-vis other organizations (Cell Life, Grameen, Gates, academic, etc) to have them for the other modules as well Action item: Jessica check in with Joy on one-pager

      6. North: check in on survey instrument document: Action item: will do a new draft and will add it to the excel google doc.

      7. Action item: Follow up: North creek responded, we need to send something