2012-06-15 Org. Management Meeting
2012-06-15 Org. Management Meeting
- Patient Privacy: Jessica contacted 4 people so far to try and learn more about India’s new privacy legislation. Just got some promising info from one person, which I will share
- Medical Privacy Conference in Pune, 30 June
- Shuro suggests creating white paper on Raxa’s stance
- @Daniel - Lets get a working timeline for this in terms of additional research, rough outline, detailed outline, rough draft, advanced draft, final draft
- what information do we not have? what scope and scale for a White Paper on privacy would be appropriate? Action Item: Jessica: Collect all information and come up with timeline
- Raxa.org/Facebook/Twitter: Jessica has been making updates to these in terms of adding and organizing content, but still need to do the following:
- Need help with design/structure of the website! find micro volunteer
- Sparked?
- try asking our UI / UX list? Action Item Jessica email UI/UX and contributor lists
- @daniel - Lets aim to have a certain # of posts on twitter a day, retweets a day. photos are always good. Action Item: Jessica: start this week and decide what is manageable
- Job postings? ask Nathan
- more from Nathan, Shuro, John..
- follow up with Naukri
- follow up with OpenMRS (Michael? ) and Andy Kanter about whether they know people who might be interested
- More, better quality photos
- contact photographers / photojournalists who might be able to help Action Item Daniel will start looking into this
- foreground the good quality photos we have from Tom Petrasik (sp?) Action item: Follow up?
- More blog posts, may need a little help to write them
- idea: rotating blog posts?
- guest bloggers? Daniel had a backlog of these saved, Shuro has posted many of these already
3. Fundraising: Jessica created a spreadsheet of contacts and prospects and started doing some research. Need to do the following:
- Create easy one-pager we can send to new contacts (maybe something in lieu of Raxa.org while we continue cleaning it up?)
- work with Shuro and Daniel to update spreadsheet and prioritize follow up Action Item: Follow up with EI
- make a priority list of who we will collaborate with ideally
4. Running meetings:Some tips on Jhana, still need to look into the other things.
- suggest we start having one-on-one meetings on a twice-weekly basis between Jessica and everyone else in office. short (10 min max) check-ins where she can get ideas and help troubleshoot.
- silent meetings for developers-- get on skype together, type out what you have to say... action items are searchable
- walking meetings in Deer Park when the weather cools
5. Documentation:
- We need to beef up / edit this as-yet-unnamed 20+ page document we've used from time to time to let people know about our project Action item: Prepare document for Saturday JSS meeting
- Suggestion (@Daniel): a series of one-page PDFs that introduce / explain each module according to the following set of parameters: Action item: Jessica will start google doc template
- Summary of modules one-pagers
- How each fits into the global
- How / what the technology being used
- People involved / working on it / in charge
- Timeline for completion (GANTT chart?) for beta testing v1.0, piloting, implementation and scale
- Benefits (stand alone and with the rest of the system)
- Background
- Challenges we're overcoming
- Design factors
- Human factors
- What we're doing unique / for the first time
- Scale – how, where, opportunities, etc.
- We need something like this for Vodaphone (CHW module) and would benefit vis--a-vis other organizations (Cell Life, Grameen, Gates, academic, etc) to have them for the other modules as well Action item: Jessica check in with Joy on one-pager
6. North: check in on survey instrument document: Action item: will do a new draft and will add it to the excel google doc.
7. Action item: Follow up: North creek responded, we need to send something