- Abhishek Gupta (IIIT student)
- Jatin Thapar (IIIT student)
- Amarjeet (IIIT mentor)
- John V Stoecker (Raxa)
- Nathan Leiby (Raxa)
This page is to outline the steps and progress for the billing module, which is being led by students at IIIT as a semester project.
Fri Aug 24: [Nathan] Complete short spec/designs on billing -- add to Wiki]
Sat Aug 25 - Sun 26: Review existing billing modules in OpenMRS and lots of other billing systems... consider lots of possible alternatives
Mon Aug 27 - Tues 28: improve architecture plans (database tables needed), review UI to see if we have screens yet to meet JSS's needs
Wed Aug 29: Call with JSS - review our designs
... Update timeline following these meetings
Kick-off meeting notes from 2012-08-23 Billing Module Meeting