- Introductions are important -- let's make sure everyone introduces themselves at the start of first scrum
- Stating goals and restating goals are important
- Posting documentation / links to documentation / guides really helps
- Examples of completed code really help
- Simple step-by-step guides for where to commit, how to commit, when to commit, etc helps
- At end of sprint, ask for feedback (anonymous)
- Send links out on the bottom of daily scrum emails.
- Send minutes from scrum and other meetings, to ensure people can keep up via email if they can't make the meetings
- Collect helpful links/resources on the Wiki.
- When you have a technical question, if you've tried several approaches and are still stuck, send an email to the listserv. This gives people to read your question, think/research, and respond. No question is a bad question ... if something is preventing you from making progress, others want to help unblock you.
- Consider duration of sprint and frequency of check-ins. 2 weeks might have been too fast, especially with time spent to learn Sencha during this first sprint.
- Hard to attend scrum every day even without time to make progress
- Need to clarify main integration points between people's work.
- Should re-evaluate our framework choice (Sencha) and review our requirements for a framework. (difficulty level? hard to enter project? )