- Follow step-by-step installation instructions at https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Step+by+Step+Installation+for+Developers
- When you are setting up your OpenMRS environment, if you need help, don't hesitate to get in touch. Here are some tips:
- You will need to install the JDK (currently Glassfish3), Eclipse (currently Indigo), Eclipse add-ins from the marketplace (subclipse, maven, maven subclipse integration, run jetty run. NOTE: The maven sublipse integration is no longer supported and may not work with the newest version of subclipse. If so, try the Subversive plug-ins instead), maven. For now you don't need to install Tomcat.
- With Eclipse, you need to edit eclipse.ini to add the following 2 lines at the top:
- -vm
- c:/Program Files/glassfish3/jdk/jre/bin/javaw.exe
- If you have earlier versions of the JRE on the machine, you need to go to Preferences>>Java and change the JRE to the glassfish location.
- When you are first importing, use Import from SVN, but just go far enough to identify the OpenMRS SVN repository (http://svn.openmrs.org), then continue via Import Maven Project using Source Control. You will have to install a number of adapters when you download projects for the first time, just go with the flow.
- Make sure your standalone Maven and Eclipse maven are using the same repository. Install maven first and take the default (~/.m2/repository on xnix, c:\documents and settings\<username>\.m2\repository on Windows), then check the maven preferences to see what Eclipse is using
- Include the following 3 projects in your Eclipse workspace: JSSLab module trunk http://svn.openmrs.org/openmrs-modules/jsslab/, OpenMRS 1.8.x branch, webservices.rest module 0.8 branch.
- You will have to install the webservices.rest files into your local maven repository. See https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Requiring+another+module+in+your+module in the section Installing omod to a local repo. You do not need to do the other steps, they are already included in what you check out.
- You will need to run OpenMRS from your workspace via Jetty. This is because of a not-yet-released fix needed to map the LabTestResults table. If you have installed Tomcat, you will need to stop the service to be able to run Jetty.