If you are a OmniGraffle user then the following Sencha stencils could come in handy for design for both Touch and Desktop Screens
Sencha Touch 2.0 Stencils
Extjs GUI Layout and Widgets
Few things to consider
These stencils are available only for OmniGraffle. We need to to find if there's a equivalent for Visio or Powerpoint available?
Or find ways to convert them to use it for the other tools.
These stencils aren't named as in the Sencha Component Library, but the screens created using them could be used to easily identify the corresponding elements while developing.
The elements are not exhaustive, but covers the basic and it is important to identify the ones that are needed and not available, with reference to the Sencha library.
Please find the attached files to see its usage to create screens for the lab module. Do let us know what you think?