
Several studies have compared the effects of use of totally speech based and totally text based interaction. [[1]] concludes that participants’ repetitions of commands were more frequent when speech was used for both the user production and reception modes rather than text. 

IVR - short for Interactive Voice Response - is the technology that automates the interaction with telephone caller. Historically, IVR solutions have used pre-recorded voice prompts and menus to present information and options to callers, and touch-tone telephone keypad entry (popularly known as DTMF) to gather caller response. Modern IVR solutions now enable input and responses to be gathered via spoken words with voice recognition. 



Literature Survey

[[1]] Ludovic Le Bigot, Jean-François Rouet, Eric Jamet, Effects of Speech- and Text-Based Interaction Modes in Natural Language Human-Computer Dialogue

[[2]] Irina Kondratova, Multimodal Interaction for Mobile Learning