REST Clients
Chrome "PostMan": (may have issues with "POST", "GET" calls are working)
New REST Calls added by Raxa
Access list of REST services
HOST+/ws/rest/v1/catalog   (it may not run on openmrs instance which lacks few tables as provided by Roger in jsslab db avaliable in Lab Rats Folder of Dropbox)
POST and specify the URL:
with username and password
DELETE and specify the URL:
"get patient"
GET and specify the URL:
need to pass authorization header
returns the patients uri
"get full patient"
GET and specify the URL:<personUri>
need to pass authorization header
{ "names" ["givenName": "sunbiz", "familyName": "Test"] ... }
Wiki Links of REST Resources of OpenMRS

This page contains documentation about those REST resources offered by OpenMRS

  1. List of all fields required for each REST call
  2. List of REST Webservice resources offered by OpenMRS
  3. OpenMRS REST Webservices API wiki page
  4. OpenMRS Module Documentation