Versions Compared


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      1. Clone Raxa-JSS at, install some Apache server like xampp to run ExtJS (fairly similar to video tutorial here for netbeans: Getting Started Guide: Front-end Development)
      2. Make sure it runs on your computer (only Chrome/Safari)
        1. user: admin
        2. pass: Hello123
      3. Create blank extjs project inside src/billing (copy code out of src/pharmacy)
      4. Install Sencha Architect
      5. Create blank views with Architect according to designs
  • Weeks 5: TODO- Sept 24 - Sept 31
     Learning to use integrate the views with Netbeans.
  • Week 6&7 - October 1- 10
          Midsem Break
  • Week 8&9 - October 11- 25
    • Creating the New improved designs of the Views and integrating them with controllers(just a start with controllers).

Work Status

  • Completed the 3 back end resources.- 04/09/2012
  • Tests and Rest made . 12/09/2012
  • Created the initial views - 23/09/2012
  • Creating the modified views - 19/10/12(still working on it).

Kick-off meeting notes from 2012-08-23 Billing Module Meeting


BillingItemAdjustment saveBillingItemAdjustment(BillingItemAdjustment adjustment) throws DAOException; --> (save billing item adjustment)

void deleteBillingItemAdjustment(BillingItemAdjustment adjustment) throws DAOException; --> (delete billingItem adjustment)

BillingItemAdjustment getBillingItemAdjustmentByUuid(String uuid);  --> (get billing item adustment by uuid )

List<BillingItemAdjustment> getAllBillingItemAdjustments() throws DAOException; --> (gets all billing item adjustments)

List<BillingItemAdjustment> getAllBillingItemAdjustmentsByReason(String reason);  --> (gets all billing item adjustments with given reason)

BillingItemAdjustment updateBillingItemAdjustment(BillingItemAdjustment adjustment);  --> (updates billing item adjustment )

List<BillingItemAdjustment> getAllBillingItemAdjustmentsByBillingItem(Integer billingitemid);   --> (given billing item gets all billing adjustments for that item)


Front End

 The work on the modified view is in progress, we will soon put some snapshots of those  here soon.